11 June 2010

Watermelon 3.42 kg vs Baby Timmy 3.3 kg

The other day, I bought watermelon, which weighs 3.42 kg.

I told Timmy: "Tim...do you know that when you were born, you weigh 3.3 kg...
this watermelon is 3.42 kg. It's about the same as you when you came out of my tummy. You were slightly lighter than this..."

Timmy: "Really?" Then he was thinking....

Not long after, I saw him putting the watermelon into a red plastic bag and he carried it upstairs into our room to weigh it...

As he climbed up the stairs...I could hear him saying: ugh...ugh....
must be heavy....:)

But I was busy running errands, so I just let him...

Not long after, he came back down and said: "Iya lho Mom...it's 3 kg..."


Me: "Iya Tim, so the weighing machine at the supermarket is right ya...
When you came out, you were about that size, longer though... you were 50 cm...

Then I saw him thinking again.
At that moment, I thought that he's gonna bring the watermelon to his "Watch Me Grow" chart... to compare the height of the watermelon with 50 cm.....
but he didn't....hehehehehehe...

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