22 March 2016


One of those days, 
when he helped me cook, 
and enjoy the fruit of his labour


Albizia flower. 
Trembesi in Indonesian

Lunch Boxes

Capturing these photos of the lunch boxes and snack boxes that I have made for Timmy,
during his school days as a 5th grader.

The photo on the top right was Timmy during breakfast.
Kepiting soka telor asin and brokoli. :)

The usual question that I asked myself: What to cook today?

Well, some day, these days will come to an end as he grows up.
So, capturing it while it  lasts. :)

Yellow Flower

Field Trip

Timmy had his first ever sleep-over Field Trip with the school.
They embarked on a 2 days 1 night Retret with the school.

So, it was his first time sleeping overnight without me.
I taught him how to pack his stuff, what are the clothes needed, toiletries, etc.
It was his milestone.
..and it ended up to be my milestone as well. Hahahaha...

I thought that I was gonna be free.
Free from hassle, etc.

Well...I did felt free....
went out with my mom and dad, went to play with my nephew, did some gardening,
even get the gardener to cut out the big tree next to my house, read a novel while drinking coffee...
it was all good....

until it was around 4-5 in the afternoon.
How come it's so quiet?
Things started to feel....strange...different...
It's too quiet!  Hahaha...

I asked the other mothers...
and they all felt the same.
Even the ones with 2 or 3 kids.
They all said, that there is something missing.

So, hey! It's the milestone for the mothers too.
Hahahah...Being away from their kids.
My husband Benny said: "Seperti induk ayam kehilangan anak."
Bukan anak doang yang kehilangan induk.
Induknya juga kehilangan anak ayam.."

Hence, I decided to sleep overnight at my parent's house.

I thought that I could survive the day.
I thought that usually it's only Timmy and I.
without maid, without Benny.
So, I should be able to survive and felt free.

But hey! It's no so fun to be single anymore.
I just realized that I have changed.

Timmy and Bryan

Edrick, Timmy, Bryan, Marco.
Garneta, Vania.
Jethro, Aileen, Berlino, Nathan.

01 March 2016

Monkey Year

It's the Monkey Year.
Benny has decided to resign from CL Tech.
He has been with the company since 2009. 7 years.

That means that I've been mostly on my own raising Timmy for 7 years.
He travels a lot. Last year, in 2015, the total amount of time that he spent at home was 6 weeks.
6 weeks in a year.

It's not easy raising Timmy on his pre-teen years.
Well, with Benny around, hopefully the parenting job will be easier.

In terms of parenting, I am glad that we are  on the 'same page' now.
It's way much better than those turmoil period.
"Tornado, bomb, and chaos." ah...

Thank you God for helping me to stay strong and survived.

Raising Timmy on my own, without a maid, is a challenge.
But, it's my choice to not use a maid.
I have had enough bad experience with the maid, stealing, boiling water till it dried, bringing boyfriend into the property, etc. Nope, I'm not good at handling people.
It's too tiring, "capek hati" they say.
So, I'd rather handle the dust, than handle the maid.

The only human being that I need to handle is my boy, well plus his dad.
hahaha.... and that's enough.

I can't even disipline myself.
I admire Sisil so much. She can exercise, forced herself to read book, learn Japanese.