16 March 2011

When Timmy Helped Me with the Cooking Preparation

Parenting is an honorable yet challenging task.

We have been given this task by God to raise Timmy...
I know that I am far from being a perfect parent...I'm still learning...

May God guide me and all the parents out there in raising their kids...
in being the kind of parents He wants us to be...
May He gives us the courage, strength and wisdom in doing so...

I was deeply touched by the story of Japan earthquake especially the blogpost by Sisil.
It is truly amazing of how people at times of difficulty offers a helping hand to others in need... how everyone was doing their very best to help.

This helping hand should be cultivated in the family.
How we teach our kids that even their little help counts.
The spirit of helping each other, warmth, hospitality, encouragement, gentleness, strength and courage...

At our home, I love it when Timmy helps me with the cooking preparation.
This photo was taken when he helped me to grate the cheese.

and to separate the half frozen ham.

This was when he helped me to peel the quail eggs.

The beauty of doing this together, actually brings us closer to each other.

The opportunity for Timmy to help out, contribute, and be appreciated.

To learn that even his little helps counts...

10 March 2011

Water Color Stencils

We are not that into arts and crafts. I have been wanting to do finger-painting with Timmy that I have put up for a very long time. And finally we had the time to do this!

A water colour painting using handprints and stensils.
I asked Timmy what he wanted on the drawings and he said that he wanted cars. Lamborghini and Mazda RX 8.

Since I'm not too good in drawying, I tilted his cars sideways to copy the shape. hehehe.

Timmy had fun painting his fingers green. It felt ticklish as the brush went all over his fingers. hehehehe... I like his happy smile.

He helped filling in the details and created another drawing on his own.

The step by step.

And Voila! We got this.

Oxygen in the Air

We had fun doing this experiment in the effort to discover that burning seems to used up part of the air. Scientists in the 18th century performed experiments with air trapped in a glass turned upside down in water.

As the candle burns, oxygen from the air combines with the elements carbon and hydrogen from the candle to form carbon dioxide and water. When the oxygen in the jar has been used up, the candle can no longer burn. The carbon dioxide and water take up less space than the oxygen did, so the water rises.

The happy boy with the cars.
Even the cars joined the experiment too. hahaha.

03 March 2011

Coloring a Colorful Dinosaur

We hang the dinosaur up on Timmy's bedroom wall.

Toilet Paper Tube Craft

I enjoyed playing with Timmy at home.

On 9th February 2011, we made "toilet paper tube craft".
A fun way to reuse and recycle. hehehe...

Note to Timmy: (if you are reading this years down the road)
Timmy, you have shown significant improvement in your coloring compared than last year.
When you were in Kindergarten A, you would scribble all over the place, colored outside the line. But I like how you keep on trying...

We all have our God's given unique talents.
Let's use our talent to be a blessing for others.
Everyone is unique...everyone has strength and weakness...
because no one is perfect...
Everyone has different strength.
But let's learn from other people's strength and let's use our strength to be a blessing for others...
We love you Timmy!

Timmy's Experiment with the Camera

I was flipping through my photos when I found this photo.
This photo was taken by Timmy when he played with our camera.

I like the reflection of the chair and fridge...
I like how it came out as black and white...
I like how it is proportional...
I like it! hehehe..