27 September 2010

Pinoy Ako By: Orange&Lemons (w/ lyrics)

Timmy's school has a "Family Day" project coming up with Philippines theme.

Found this at YouTube...
I really enjoy this song and thought of sharing this with you. :) *smile*
Quite a nice song, although I don't know what it means. hahahaha.

24 September 2010

Love the Moment

I love the moment when I had a nice chat with Timmy, just before he slept...
He told me how his day went at school today...
how he ran in zig zag during sports, and gotta avoid running into the chairs...
where the kids put their water bottle on a 'magic' place.

Me : Magic place? Where is it Tim?
Tim: above the shoe rack mom. And I drank...and drank...and drank...until my water is finished.
Me : So what happened after it's finished then?
Tim: We could fill it up. At the 'hati-hati air panas' place.
Me : Hm? You mean the water dispenser?
Tim: Yeah! Water dispenser.
Me : Did they use Ades too?
Tim: No Mom, Prima. I drank Prima water. Then after sports we got changed.
Me : Where did you get changed?
Tim: In the toilet Mom.
Me : Did all your friends get changed?
Tim: Some.... some friends got changed too, but some doesn't.

Me : Then after sports, what did you do?
Tim: Teacher Jamie came. Teacher Crystal is sick.
She had this magic pen.
Blue and red, shake shake it....becomes purple.
Blue and yellow, shake shake it...becomes green.
Red and yellow, shake shake it...becomes orange.

And then....he was really sleepy...closing and dozing as he speak...

I then sang the lullaby for him...while stroking his hair...
Twinkle twinkle little star...
how I wonder what you are...
up above the world so high..
like a diamond in the sky...
twinkle twinkle little star...
how I wonder what you are...

Then there he was, falling asleep in the 'la-la' land....
Totally love it!

23 September 2010

Looking Back: Timmy's First Days of School

Looking back to the days when Timmy started school....

Timmy first joined Pra-Playgroup at TK Sang Timur.
It was a 1 hour session, three times a week.
Prior to the 'The'day, I took him to the school to familiarize him with the surrounding environment. Let him entered the class room, where he'll be learning. It was only the 2 of us...

During the first semester, mothers could join the kids in the classroom, and Timmy was fine, as he could see me in class.

However, during the second semester, the mothers must wait outside the classroom, and Timmy had a hard time separating from me. He cried real loud and refused to let go off my hands and to go into the class room.

The teachers told me that I should leave him with them, and he'll be okay soon.
I took a moment to convince Timmy that I love him and I will be waiting for him outside and will see him again after school.

But it was not successful, he cried...real loud...and used his power to get himself off the teachers, holding on to me very tightly...while screaming: "Mama....Mama...Nooo..." with his arms stretched out towards me.

It was heart breaking...I felt so bad and worried.
He would have felt the same thing too. Perhaps the thought of being away from me scares him.

Minutes later the teachers managed to calm him down.

July 2009, Timmy started joining Pahoa Kindergarten.


First week was okay, because I could still joined him into the class, i.e. sitting close to him.

However, as the first week period is over, the mothers must stay outside the gate. This was the tough period for both of us...We needed to cope with the separation anxiety again.

Every morning, as we walked towards the school gate, Timmy would refuse to come in...
holding on with all the power that he has... and this happened every day!

I needed to persuade him how fun it is at school, that he gets to learn new things, meet new friends, and can even teach me by the time he came home.

Even all the other mothers and securities could recognize me that I'm Timmy's mom...

I pray that God will be with him and hope he could make it and happy with school one day...

In the class room, I slowly regress, from sitting next to him, to sitting behind the class, to waiting outside the class room, to waiting downstairs outside the gate.

The teachers told me that when they lock the door, Timmy would cry real loud, and grabbed a chair to open the lock. The school had to purposely change the lock to a higher position because of him.

I was looking forward to the moment when Timmy loves school and meeting his friends... For the moment, I will just reassure him how much we love him...

During the second semester, after the long holiday, sometimes he could still refuse to go into the gate. However, when I approached the gate, and told him that if you don't want to go, then I will, he would quickly run and said: "Mom, no. This is my school. Not your school."

But after he passed through the gate, he's a happy go lucky boy already. Happily went up the stairs to his class room.

Now that he's in Kindergarten B (K2), he usually runs through the gate, passes through the teachers, runs to the stairs. He supposed to say good morning to the teachers, got his temperature checked and wash his hands with the antibacterial liquid. Well, oh well.

Ah...bitter sweet of parenthood.

xiao - filial piety

Filial Piety: Father and Son (Eng subtitles)

Disaat daku tua

Disaat daku tua bukan lagi diriku yang dulu.
Maklumilah diriku, bersabarlah dalam menghadapiku.

Disaat daku menumpahkan kuah sayuran di bajuku. Disaat daku tidak lagi mengingat cara mengikatkan tali sepatu.
Ingatlah saat-saat bagaimana daku mengajarimu, membimbingmu untuk melakukannya.

Disaat saya dengan pikunnya mengulang terus menerus ucapan yang membosankanmu.
Bersabarlah mendengarkanku, jangan memotong ucapanku. Di masa kecilmu, Daku harus mengulang dan mengulang terus sebuah cerita yang telah saya ceritakan ribuan kali hingga dirimu terbuai dalam mimpi.

Disaat saya membutuhkanmu untuk memandikanku,
Janganlah menyalahkanku. Ingatkah dimasa kecilmu bagaimana daku dengan berbagai cara membujukmu untuk mandi?

Disaat saya kebingungan menghadapi hal-hal baru dan teknologi modern,
Janganlah menertawaiku. Renungkanlah bagaimana daku dengan sabarnya menjawab setiap "mengapa" yang engkau ajukan disaat itu.

Disaat kedua kakiku terlalu lemah untuk berjalan, Ulurkanlah tanganmu yang muda dan kuat untuk memapahku. Bagaikan dimasa kecilmu daku menuntunmu melangkahkan kaki untuk belajar berjalan.

Di saat daku melupakan topik pembicaraan kita, Berilah sedikit waktu padaku untuk mengingatnya. Sebenarnya, topik pembicaraan bukanlah hal yang penting bagiku, asalkan engkau berada disisiku untuk mendengarkanku, daku telah bahagia.

Disaat engkau melihat diriku menua, janganlah bersedih. Maklumilah diriku, dukunglah daku, bagaikan daku terhadapmu disaat engkau mulai belajar tentang kehidupan.

Dulu daku menuntunmu menapaki jalan kehidupan ini,
kini temanilah daku hingga akhir jalan hidupku.
Berilah daku cinta kasih dan kesabaranmu,
Daku akan menerimanya dengan senyuman penuh syukur.
Di dalam senyumku ini,
tertanam kasihku yang tak terhingga padamu...

22 September 2010

Disaat Daku Tua

Got this poster from Timmy's school and I found it very nice...


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21 September 2010

Live Life with God

My brother, Hans, sent me a nice pictures that are cute and inspiring.
I like them.

Water Painting with Timmy.

For further information, please follow the following link:

Day Out

My Dad's cousin, Auntie Amber, came from Canada. And we tried out this Es Durian Kopyor, Alpukat Kopyor, and Timmy ordered his Blueberry Juice. :) Yum!

He was excited to see how the sealing machine works. hehehehe...

Playing Pretend Supermarket

Little Chicken Goes to School

Car Plates Number

At the bank, such a coincidence that we found a car which was parked next to ours, with the same car plate number. 8751.

We started thinking of all the possibility of changing the numbers around,
8715, 8571, 8517, 8157, 8175, 7815, 7851, 5781, 5718, 1578, 1587, 1857, 1875, 1758, 1785.

Playing around with numbers. hehehehe...

Milk Spoon

Last school holiday, we had nothing to do at home,
and started counting the milk spoon.

Tim...that's how much milk you have drank...not including the ones that we don't keep the spoon!

By the time you grow up, Mom and Dad hope that you remember how much we love you!

20 September 2010


Since it was school holiday, and to fill our time, we did our drawing about trains.

We were inspired by the moments that we had while we were at Jogja.
Timmy had fun at the train station, how he waited for the train to come, the gate closed, and surprised by the train horn! hahahaha...

So, here we are the two of us, drawing trains together and read a book about train.

Timmy drew the speedometer for the trains. In his imagination the speed is up to 1000 km/hr and 700 km/hr for the other train. hehehehe...

The trains before and after...


Home Made Cars. hehehehe..

Home Made Lantern

It's the Chinese Lantern Festival.

Inspired by Leonny, we tried making our home made lantern.

This is what we did:
Cut open a milk box, and cut approx 1 cm off the top, for the handle.

I asked Timmy what design he would he like to have on the lantern.
and he said that he wanted squares and circles and got him to do it. hehehehehe...

Since he's a fan of chicken, I asked him, would you like to have chicken on your lantern? And he delightedly replied: Yes, please Mom....with a big smile on his face. hahahaha.

With a sharp cutter, I slit through the design. And glue the sides together.

Timmy loves this lantern...because he gets to decide what design he would like to have on it...

and to see the 'glowing results' afterwards. :) Smile!

Planting Beans

I had these kidney beans that has stayed too long in my fridge and thought of throwing it away. But hey...instead of throwing it away, why not plant it? and see what happens?

So here we are, putting the beans into several different cups...
- into the soil,
- on the cotton,
- just leave it like that in the cup with no medium at all,
- Timmy accidently threw some beans onto our garden,

We then think of several places to put them...
1. Under the sun.
2. In the room, with little sunshine.
3. In the dust bin, where it gets no sunshine at all.

After that, we wrote the steps that we did:

We then left to Bandung for holiday.
By the time we came back, the beans has grown! Interesting!

The beans that are in the garden, grew straight and tall...
The ones that are in the bin is a bit pale green colour, some are not even growing...
The ones that are in the room, grew tilted and crooked, and tend to grow towards the sun...
The ones that we left without any medium, stays the same...

Timmy gets to learn how plants grow. :)
The beans are not wasted. Yay!

Few weeks later, the plastic pot of the beans fell over, and interestingly the bean grew tilted, with it's stem growing straight towards the sun.

19 September 2010

Followed by a Cat

We went to Parkland the other day to let Timmy tried on the balancing bar.

Apparently while we were doing that a cat came and waited near us.
The sky grew dark, and we decided to head home.

As we walked, the cat followed us... till the end of the park and it stopped.


It all started with the newspaper article that we read...
Mount Sinabung erupted...

Last year we visited Brastagi and saw this mountain from a distance...
This mountain which has been sleeping for 4 centuries..., erupted hot ashes 3 kilometers into the air, causing residents to flee for safety.

We then did the follow on reading about volcanoes.

and watched the video...

Followed by making the experiment on creating our mini volcano...
We read the instructions...

Getting it ready...

Our 'mini' volcano before eruption...

And voila! Volcano eruption. :)

15 September 2010

Youth Olympic Games

I am really enjoying watching the video clips from the Youth Olympic Games 2010 which was held in Singapore.


10 September 2010

Fish shops

Last weekend we visited fish shops. It was Timmy's first experience and it was fun. We got to see all different sorts of fishes, turtles, rabbits, jelly fish... and even chameleon! Interesting!

All different sorts of turtles and chameleon.

Jellyfish, washbasin with aquarium underneath it...

Big tummy fish....and colorful fish...

Enjoying looking at different type of fish.... and don't take a photo of me! hehehe.

Checking and comparing the measurement of fish food...
Asking the lady what is she doing with that machine?
What happens if I put 1? and if I put 2? and if I put 3?
How about if I change the color?

Which fish do you want to buy? Perhaps I can help you?

Is it this one you are interested in?