30 October 2016


For all the Moms out there. 
I think this is our new title, 
beside the one we earned at University. Hahaha... 😄😄😁


So proud of you boy boy boy. 
Scoring 100 at every Math. 
One happy Mom. 

Well, he can do the questions, while I can't. Hehehehe...

He must have got he genes from his Dad. Hahahaha.... but it's ok. I'm just one happy Mom. 

Well, given the same question, I would have no idea on how to answer. 😅😨
The boy definetely has his Dad's genes. Hahaha

Another Math question that I have no clue on how to answer. Hehehe...

So proud of you boy boy boy.
Scoring 100 at every Math.
One happy Mom.

Well, he can do the questions, while I can't. Hehehehe...

He must have got he genes from his Dad. Hahahaha.... but it's ok. I'm just one happy Mom. 😁
 — with Benny Widjaja.

Helping Mommy in the Kitchen

Helping Mommy in the kitchen, while learning about life skill as well.
Cooking skill. :)
Thanks for your help, boy.

We were at the supermarket, after school. 😄He said " Why don't we make Fettucini carbonara, Mom?" 

So, yup, here's our after school activity. Cooking together. 😄😀😁😊
He helped to grate the cheese, cut the Smoked Chicken, stir the sauce.

And finally eat the yummy cheesy Fettucini Carbonara.

Bon Appetite!

Timmy and Jonat

The boys this afternoon. 
Going for a swim.
27 July 2016.

Timmy: 10 years, 8 months old. 
School holiday. 
5th grader going to be 6th grader. 

Aquamarine Selatan. 

Chinese Homework

After homework is done, 
he is back to read Donald Duck. Hahaha.... 
..and Mom gets to rest. Hehehe...

MIG 31, Paper airplane

Lego Day

Joining Lego City Adventure at Kelapa Gading Mall. 
July 2016. 
Timmy: 10 years old 8 months. 

The boy on the stage

Grade 5, Final Exams Result

Proud of you boy boy.

Timmy's Final Semester Test Result

Bawa Bekal

Now that Benny is here, I usually pack lunch boxes for father and son. Hehehehe...
Luckily they are not picky eaters.
So, whatever I cook, they eat. :)

Timmy said: "When Andrew is around, you will need to pack 6 lunch boxes, Mom."  Hehehe..

Bekal hari ini: 
Ayam goreng kuning, 
Tumis selada air with garlic, 
Pumpkin soup with carrot, beans & quail egg. 

Snack for hubby: apple & mango. 
Snack for Timmy: homemade pumpkin bread & milk.

Bekal hari ini: 
Semur ayam,
Tumis sayur,
Cheesy Potato mash. 

Snack: Papaya for B.
Snack: Homemade donut with chocolate milk for T.

Todays meals for my beloved "boys" in the house. 😄😄

What's for school today...
-Mushroom soup, beef with carrot, green veggie, for lunch.
-Sausage bread with chocolate milk, for school break time. 😄😄

Today's lunch box, 
for father and son. 😄😄

Bekal hari ini: 
Ayam goreng kuning, 
Tumis selada air with garlic, 
Pumpkin soup with carrot, beans & quail egg. 

Snack for hubby: apple & mango. 
Snack for Timmy: homemade pumpkin bread & milk.

Making Pumpkin Bread with Timmy

We have turned one of the pumpkin into: Pumpkin Bread.

Home-made Pumpkin Bread, 
Fresh from the oven. 

Perfect for this rainy day.