31 July 2009

Creating stories with Timmy

Last night, Timmy was about to watch VCD about little chicken.
Then I thought of instead of watching VCD again, why not we do something else?

I started drawing hen & chick, then we draw the grass, soil & water to feed the chick.
Hey...the ducks need to swim, so we draw the river...
Timmy colored the river blue, and there were floods.

Ooh...we need to draw a boat to save them....
Then, we need to draw the seat, otherwise they'll fall down...
Bum...bum...bum...the chicken falls down the river... Oh no!

Then..they arrive at the hotel (Timmy imagine that the chicken live at hotel). hahaha.
It's a 3 level hotel. Ok..then we draw the lift.
Hey..they room need air-conditioning. I draw 4 dots and Timmy joined the dots to make the AC. We need to make the remote for the AC, the temperature 0, 22, 16 degree Celcius as per Timmy's request.

Ok, now they have the room, we need to draw the big bed for mother chicken, little chicken and the ducks. Timmy made the bed, I made the pillows...

I started to sing the sleeping song like what the teacher taught in class.
Timmy went downstairs to get his "radio" for his chickens & ducks.

Then Timmy lay them asleep and Timmy started reading stories for his chics & duck.
After the story, they need to drink milk, so I draw the milk bottle and Timmy feed the little chic. He said: "He wan ya..." "Ok, he wan le, fang cai tui the ti fang ya.".

Lights off... Then we draw the light together.

As he read the story, he said, the chicks wake up already.
They are going on the pick up truck with Chuck. hahahahaha...

Fun story making! :)
Here are the photos.

28 July 2009


I told Timmy the steps that he will go through during his studies:
KB - TK - SD - SMP - SMA - University (Ta xue).

One afternoon, he told his grandma about what I told him.
Then his grandma asked him, what is Ta xue?
Timmy told her: "Sekolah gede". hahahahaha... he translate it to Indonesian.

A little walk in the afternoon

Today, Timmy and I had a walk to the church.
I was carrying 2 big plastic bags in 1 hand and the other hand holding Timmy's hand.

On our way, I told Timmy, these plastic bags are heavy.
Then Timmy told me: "Lai Mama, wo pang ni lai..." = "Come Mom, let me help you with it." And he literally carried those bags. I told him, why don't we carry it together. It's heavy. He said: "No Mom, it's ok. Let me carry both. Timmy aja."

So sweet.

Little trader

Timmy had a collection of candies. 5 Mentos and 1 Blaster.

One day, he come up to his dad and said: "Papa, I give you 1 Blaster and you give me 1 Mentos. So, I can have a collection of all Mentos candies."

Hey, he is doing a 'barter'!
No one taught him about this economic trading, but he can.

Benny and I laugh out loud after that event! :))
A 3 year old boy doing a barter.

25 July 2009

Timmy's drawing

Timmy is getting better at drawing.

Last week, he draw a boy and a girl.

Here they are:

A little reunion for Timmy

Since Timmy told me that he miss his old friends and teachers,
last Friday morning, we walked together hand in hand to his old school.

He still recognized his school, his old classroom...
The last he was there was one day in May 2009 before we went to China.

As he entered the school, he ran to his old playgroom classroom;
but he found it empty and it was being painted. None of his friends were there.

I told him, that his friends have also moved to the higher level and now are studying in a new classroom. We visited the new classroom.
He found his teachers and chatted with them.

Two of his friends, Michelle and Patricia, came up to him.
Timmy told his teachers, Bu Novi and Bu Ratna, that now he is in TK A and is studying at Pahoa.

There are plenty of new students and some of his old school-mates are not continuing at Sang Timur too.

Well, it was a short visit, since his friends also need to continue to study.

That visit also has satisfied Timmy's curiosity about his old school. :)
Hopefully he can move on and make new friends at his new school,
but yet still keeping in touch with his old friends.

This week

This week, I've been busy sending Timmy to school.

He is adjusting himself to Kinder...
Last week, it was OK, and I could wait outside.
However, this week, Timmy asked me to stay in the class room with him.

Perhaps it was also due to the long weekend that we had last week.

Timmy told me that he doesn't like his new friends.
He wants his old friends and old teachers at the old school.
Oohh...I guess it's just like us adult, sometimes we feel inconvenient in our new environment... Hey! that happens with kids too!

The teacher that Timmy likes, Sien Lau Shi, is being moved to teach the higher grade at Kinder; I think that contributes to his feelings too.

Whenever the class ends and they are lining up downstairs, Timmy saw his favorite teacher, he would come up to him and tell her stories...
I just find it so cute. :)

Luckily, last Friday, I was finally able to wait downstairs outside the class,
for the whole 2 hours session!

Well, Mummy wish you all the best Timmy and I believe you can do it!
One day you will be a good man, who is friendly, wise, smart and loving.

21 July 2009

Yummy pizza!

Yesterday was a public holiday here in Indonesia.
So, we went to my parents' house and Timmy had a blast.

We ordered pizza hut to be delivered.
Hm...Timmy had the first piece! Yum! Right before everyone else.
Pizza is one of his favorite food.

In the afternoon, we went to Kelapa Gading Sports Club.
Dive into the blue water of the swimming pool, under the hot afternoon sun.

After the swim, "Ayam Goreng" is the menu!
Another yum!

I was happy to see Timmy's progress.
The first dip into the pool, he just wanted to be on the first ladder of the pool.
Then second, third and tralala! He dared to walk in the deepest part of the children pool! Yippee!

My mom promised him to buy him "Ayam Goreng" for it. hahahahaha...
Consider it as a treat!

My Junior Engineer

Timmy is very interested in electrical things.

To provide him a channel to his interest, we gave him electrical cords that are not connected to anywhere. He is highly intrigued by things that is moving and turning, such as fan.

Here are the pictures.

19 July 2009

Keeping in touch with Mrs. Lim

I was so happy one day when I received a message from Mrs. Lim.
She's one of our boarding house teachers at Tintern Girls Grammar School.

We were exchanging information on what has been happening since I left Tintern.
I was class of 1995, 14 years ago! Time flies...

Mrs. Lim is now a proud grandma of 3 grandsons and expecting another grandchildren this early September.

She offered me lots of encouragement on mothering and being a full time mom.
It does relief some of the pressures and lift me up!
Thanks you Mrs. Lim!

I'm glad we are still keeping in touch.

Attending Rachel's 6th B'day

It's Rachel's 6th B'day Party!

The party is very nice and well organized.
There were events for kids, play booth stations, shooting game, fishing game,
candy corner, mini bowling, glitter. The MC is good and he was able to get kids to be involved in the games.

Thank you Ci Mimi and Ko Andrew for the party!
Thank you Sisil for inviting us to the lovely party!

Timmy was having fun today and he sure was enjoying himself eating all those candies.
hahahahaha... sneaking going back and forth to the candy corner.
I got the pictures here.

In one of the pictures is Timmy with his favorite "Little Chicken" and the Superman sticker on his arm from the party. All in yellow... I like this picture. Even Timmy's surname in Chinese is yellow. Mr. Huang junior. hahahaha..

Making Cake with Grandma

This morning, Timmy helped his grandma to make a cake.
She was going to make chocolate cookies, and need to use biscuit crumble.

Timmy saw it and he came to 'help'. :-)
He is holding that stone crasher with his hand.

18 July 2009

A Little Moment For Myself

Today is Saturday afternoon... Nice breeze outside.
Mama is baking cheese kastengel and the smells of the good food is in the air.

Benny and Timmy went to "Bengkel" today, to fix our car.
The man and the boy is doing the "boy" thing.
And now they are both asleep.

I have a little moment for myself.

Chat with Frieda, my in law in UK.
Chat with Martha, my cousin in Taiwan.
Chat with Yee Leng, my good friend during our uni years at Melbourne.
She is now staying in Singapore.

Sometimes, it's those little moments that makes our day.

Chicken Massage

We normally have our bedtime routine together.

That day before bed, I asked Timmy for a massage.
But instead of him giving me a massage, Timmy took his favorite little chicken
and massage me with it.

When I said: "Thank you Timmy for the massage."
Timmy said: "Hey, it's not me who give you the massage, thank you little chicken."
Then I said: "Okay, Thank you little chicken. The massage feels good."

Sweet moment we had together. :)

Junior Engineer & Senior Engineer

On day before bed, Timmy and Benny were having fun together,
playing the Junior Engineer and Senior Engineer.

Gardening with Grandma

16 July 2009, Timmy was gardening with Grandma after school.
They were having fun together, making splashes in the hot afternoon.

In the afternoon, Timmy was gardening with grandma, watering the plants...
hehehehe...they were having fun together.

And Timmy end up washing the wheels of the car.
I think I don't need to go for a car wash anymore. hehehehe..

15 July 2009

First day of school

Today is Timmy's first day of school at Pahoa.
He is entering TK A and he is very proud of it.
He feels that he is now a big boy...

This morning, as he wears his uniform and looks at himself in the mirror, he smiled.
Timmy shouted: "Popo, aku mau ke Pahoa!"

In the car, he requested to sit at the front, with the booster and seat belt on.

We took some photos as we arrived the school. Here it is:

Timmy's class is at the 2nd floor: Cat Class.
His name is listed on number 22.

At first, Timmy can sit still on his chair.

But as he get bored, he was walking around the classroom,
observing his surroundings.

When it's time for a drink and meals, he was all of a sudden excited.
But since he has to queue up, he was asked to sit on his chair again. hahahaha..
I brought him pizza for lunch and he ate them while sitting nicely on his chair.

Once he finished his meals, he tidied up, but the box in his backpack and said:
"Ok, I'm done. Let's go home." hahahahaha....oh la la...Timmy.

The teachers said, it's not the time yet, and he asked: "So, what's the time to go home?" 12.45, said the teacher. "Timmy you have to sit nicely, because the teacher will give out the "Buku Penghubung".
Once he got the book, he put them in his backpack and said: "Ok, let's go."

The teacher said: Not yet...gotta queue up

Ms. Inggrid told the kids to say Goodbye in chinese: Lao shi, Cai Cien.
Timmy then said: Lao Shi, Cai Cien, Wo yao hui cia le. Wo Lei Le.
Meaning: "Good bye teacher, I want to go home. I'm tired already."

The teacher was teaching him one sentence, he added another; which made the teachers smiled.

Timmy...Timmy...that was his first day of school at Pahoa.


On Sunday, 12 July 2009, we went to Pahoa Open Day.

That day we also searched which class will Timmy be on.
Timmy will be attending TK A at Pahoa and he is very excited about it.
When we reached the list of names, I told Timmy to look for his names.

As I was browsing through the names, there are 5 classes of TK A.
Timmy shouted: "I found it! That's my name. Number 23".
I was thinking: Hey! He is faster than me!
I was still looking through the names and the name of the classes.
There are "Squirrel class, Cat class, Deer class, Panda class, Giraffe class."
And Timmy is in the "Cat class".

We went there with Benny's Mum, and she was looking through the names too,
and she was looking through the names starting with letter B.
She thought of finding Benny's name in the list. :-)

So, Timmy beat both of us in finding his name.

Me and Benny's Mum was laughing our head off.
We are beaten by a 3 year old.
And Benny's Mum was thinking: Oh iya ya...now it's my grandson who is going to school, not my son anymore. hahahaha...
For me, I'm amazed that Timmy can find his name faster than me.

We went to Timmy's class room to familiarized him.
Met several teachers, who are all very friendly.
We visited the library too and me Ms. Theresia and Mr. Chong.
Timmy had fun reading the story titled: Baby, I'm bigger.

What a wonderful day we had.

Abang Tukang Sayur

We have a regular "Abang Tukang Sayur" that will pass-by our house everyday.

Normally Timmy would shout "Engga", when we don't want to buy anything.
(Even though we didn't ask him to shout).
That day, I told Timmy that we will buy papaya for him.

Guess what, when the "Abang Tukang Sayur" pass by, that day,
he shouted: "Iyaaaa". I found it funny.

He has been talking to the Abang from behind the gates.
As I opened the door, Timmy rushed out and pointed to the papaya that he wanted to buy. It was our first time buying papaya with this "Abang Tukang Sayur",
and I was glad that he knows which one is the papaya. hehehehe...

We have been reading this book about fruits, but the pictures in the book is only
drawings, not pictures of real fruits. Apparently, he can make a connection between them.

13 July 2009


Motherhood comes in a package:
joy, happiness, worries, anger and satisfaction.

Timmy had constipation, he has been trying to go to the toilet,
but couldn't get it over and done with. Crying his head off...
When it's finally over, I felt such a relief...

It's like when he worries, I worry with him..
When he's happy, I'm happy with him...
So funny.

In the morning, Timmy gave me a back massage with his little yellow chicken.
Quite a good one. hehehehe..
Which makes me feel that this is the moment that I enjoyed with him..
Little things that makes us happy.

That's what makes me feel that motherhood comes in a package...

Thank you Timmy for brightening my days...
I will always love you.

12 July 2009


I went for a swim at Kelapa Gading Sports Club.
It just felt like heaven...
I haven't been swimming for ages...

During my high school years, I joined the Swimming Team and we practiced swimming every Tuesday and Friday. We swam 10 laps short for warm-up, then 20 laps long (50 meter each lap). I always ended up rosy cheeked like an apple each time we finished our training.

Yesterday all those memories came back to me...
I was lucky to meet our trainer, Om Komar, who is still working there till now.
And met Tata, one of our friends during training.
She has a lovely daughter, Chloe, who is now 15 months old.

We had a nice chat together.

I should swim more...

Calista's B'day Party

Last Friday on 10th July 2009, we attended Calista's 3rd B'day Party
at Bakmi GM, Puri Mall.

On the way there, we picked up Michelle.

When Michelle got on the car, Timmy started talking to her.
Informing her what the things has he been doing.
Timmy: "Kemaren aku berkebun..."
Michelle: "Dimana?"
Timmy: "Di rumah, di teras."
Michelle: "Rumahnya dimana?"
Timmy: "Tosiga."

Listening to kids conversation is funny, and their tones, voices,
it made me smile while I was driving...

They had fun during the B'day party. Eating lots of noodles that they like.

Timmy enjoyed playing the slide. He can now wait for his turn.
Apparently it was very crowded and they got stuck on the top of the stairs,
coz there were kids who has finished sliding down, but instead of going through the stairs, they climbed up the slide again. Timmy waited patiently and he was between 2 kids. Timmy said: "Mum, it's stuck."

Towards the end of the B'day party, the kids got the gift:
a little cake, a Bakmi GM pencil case, and plastic of a CD case & place mat.
Timmy insisted of carrying those 3 things by himself, arm full. Ck..ck..ck..

Timmy's visit to Etta's house

9 July 2009

Timmy visited Marietta (Etta)'s house.
It's just round the neighborhood at Tosiga 1.
Within walking distance, so we both walked there, hand in hand....

What I find funny is that when we arrived,
Timmy bend his body outside the gate and started shouting: Etta...Etta....

I found this amazing, coz it reminded me of my old school days,
where we visited our friends and when we arrived their house, we would shout the name of our friends...

Geez, Timmy is growing up.

10 July 2009

July 2009

Today is the 10th of July 2009.
Creating a blog has been on my mind for sometime.
But I haven't got around the courage and determination to do it.

Finally today, I made up my mind to create an account. ^_^