28 December 2013

Dad's Birthday

Dad celebrated his 66th birthday this year.
We had lunch at Abuba Steak.

Fruit Platter

Made this fruit platter in the morning for Benny on his birthday. :)

Fish Tag

Is your fishes hungry or full? I often ask myself: Have I feed my fishes?" I made these slideable fish tag for our pet, as a self-reminder. Hehe. 

Family Names

Timmy: "Mom, how many family names are there in the world?" 

Me: "Wah... I don't know how many, Tim. A lot for sure."

Tim: "A lot ya Mom. But that's not right Mom. How can there be a lot of family names if God only created Adam and Eve in the first place?" 

Well....I'm speechless. Don't know how to answer this boy....again. Hehe.

Sports Car

We saw this on the road, right next to our car, during traffic jam. Hehehe. 
Me: "Tim, look at that."
Tim: "Oh, Mom, that's Mclaren MP4 12C. The top speed is 386 km/hour."
Me: "How do you know all those things?"
Tim: "From Need for Speed Hot Pursuit."

I have no clues whatsoever on how did he recognize the type of those speedy cars just by looking at it. I guess boys will always be boys. Hahaha.

Celebrating Teacher's Day

It was Teacher's Day and we celebrated Teacher's Day at Timmy's school.
Some mothers were invited to volunteer to teach the kids in the class.
However, we were not allowed to teach the class where our own kids are in.

We taught the kids to make the Flip Book.
The kids were divided into several groups, with 5-6 kids in each group.
We gave them the papers with body shapes, and let them colour and draw it.
Then we staple it together and cut the section of the head and legs, thus enabling them to flip and change the body and leg for the different head that they have created.

Next we taught them to make "Bola Bola Coklat".
We prepared the Marie biscuits for them to crush, then mixed it with sweet caramelized milk,
and shaped them into ball and rolled it onto chocolate ceres.
The fun part was watching the kids so excitedly crushing it, and when it comes to chocolate ceres,
some of the kids grabbed it and put some into their mouth as they make the chocolate balls. hahahaha.

Play Time - Cutting Paper

It was one of those free time at home and we played cutting papers.  
A simple game yet fun, let our imaginations gone wild and cut funny shapes.  
The fun part was the surprises that we got, when we opened the folded paper. :)