23 November 2010


While Timmy was reading the following HSBC advertisement: "Hanya belanja Rp. 100,000 bisa menang tiga BMW Seri 5 terbaru!"

Benny overheard him saying:
"Gimana...gak bener. Mobil kan harganya ratusan juta." Then Timmy shook his head.

22 November 2010

Need for Speed, continue...

Since his current drive of cars and speed, Timmy has been drawing lots of speedometers. Here are the things that he drew...

Following my previous blog post on "Need for Speed", because I'm not an expert in playing the "Need for Speed" game, and since Benny was away on business trip to Italy, I taught Timmy how to draw cars instead. Hehehehehe...

He has been drawing lots and lots of cars since then, with various brand, Lamborghini Murcielago, Mercedes McLaren, Mercedes CLK 500, Gallardo, Aston Martin. :)

I love how he gets to use his imagination. He would say: "Mom, I'm drawing Lamborghini Murcielago. Look, the RPM is 6 and the speed is 340 Km/Hour. Knalpotnya 4 nih... Brrrmmmm.....brrrrmmmm.....vrrmmmmm....vrrrmmmmm." Hahahahaha...

He would even draw the route for his pretend race.

It kept him occupied for some time.
Then he would get his car miniature and those cars would have a race.
Tim: Yeah...Mercedes McLaren win. And he would write: Winner. Time: 32:17. Prize $2,000.

These are the things that Timmy has drawn.

We visited Grand Indonesia, Gramedia bookstore on 31 October 2010, and found a great book on cars. Timmy had fun and excitement reading it.

When we went to Summarecon Mall Serpong, we came across car exhibition, and the father and son explored the cars together. They read the specification of the car, looked at the engines, Timmy even peeked under the car. Hehehe..

19 November 2010

Need for Speed

Benny and Timmy have been playing "Need for Speed".

It all started when we passed by Time Zone some time ago, and Timmy got stuck there watching a boy who was playing car games. Then, Benny had a thought of buying car games, installed it in our computer and started playing together.

Father and son bonding time... They were choosing the cars together.
Me...I have no idea what they are playing and what they are talking about. hehehe.. Body Kit, Spoiler, Rim brand, Hoods, Trident, Roof Scoops, RIM paint, etc.

When they choose it, the following conversation occured:
Benny: "Mobilnya mau tipe apa Tim? Mercedes? "
Timmy: "Oke."
Benny: "Mau warna apa Tim?"
Timmy: "Ehm....Ungu.."
Benny: "Ungunya yang mana? ungu muda atau ungu tua?"
Timmy: "Ehm..muda..muda..."
Benny: "Spoilernya mau yang mana Tim?"
Timmy: "Yang ini aja..."
Benny: "Iya, Papa juga bilang yang ini keren... Speedometernya mau warna apa?"
Timmy: "Orange..."
Benny: "Body kit pilih yang mana Tim?"
Timmy: "Sepertinya yang ini bagus. Aku yakin ini bagus."
And the conversation goes on.....till they were satisfied with their cars.

Here are the pictures of their cars.

I overheard the following conversation when they were playing together.
Tim: "Do you have to install GPS Papa?"
What "do you have to do to win?"
"Don't bump into the wall Papa..."
Lalu Papa, kita jalan di jalanan apa dong?
"Papa hati hati ya... kali ini jangan tabrak ya."
"Papa...kalau sudah lihat jalanan bengkok-bengkok, kamu harus pelan...gitu.."
"Keep left..."

Apparently, it really inspired Timmy.
Everything he does these days is car related...
From drawing cars, the speedometer, RPM, Km/Hour, running fast like cars, talking about cars.

Even as he comes out of the school gate, he runs like his "Gallardo" car, with his index finger pointing, pretending that it is the speedometer. And this happens everyday...

When Benny went away on a business trip, Timmy asked me to turn the computer on and play Need of Speed together. I was like? Hah? Me? Oh boy...
Anyway, I did try and my car bumped here and there, and eventually got caught by the police! hahahahahaha..... Well, well, well, I'm not qualified as a "Need for Speed" driver. :)
Timmy: When you see the police, you should bump the police car Mom.
Me: "Hah? What?"
Tim: "Yeah, otherwise you'll get caught. Maybe you should change car Mom. You should use a slower car. Try Fiat Punto."
Me: "Ok. How do I change the car?"
Tim: "You should go to the car store."
Me: "Ok. Where is it?"
Tim: "You need to find the blue one on the map. Here it is."
Me: "Ok, How do I get there?"
Tim: "You follow the route here, on the map."
Me: "Ok, I'll try."
(But as I tried, my car bumped here and there and didn't even make it to the car store. And...get caught by the police. Hahahahaha.)
Tim: "Oh...Mommy..."
Me: Hahahahaahaha...

18 November 2010

When I grow up

Last week, while we were having lunch, out of the blue Timmy said:
"Mom, when I grow up, I don't want to buy a house. I still want to live here with you and Dad. We, as 1 family." Then tears started to run down his cheeks.

I was surprised, because we were having lunch nicely and there was no conversation regarding that matter at all. Then I told him, of course you can stay here Tim.

When I told Benny about it, he said: "hahahaha... Kita lihat nanti...kalau udah ketemu pacar."

Yesterday, since it was national holiday here, I went to visit my parents and picked my grandma on the way to go to my parents house together. As I was driving, I told Timmy: "Tim, we will be picking up your great-grandma and together we will be visiting grandpa and grandma. They are old already and they will be very happy when we come and visit them."
Tim: Iya Mom.
Me: So, when we are old, you should come and visit us too ya. We will be happy.
Tim: There is no need Mom. Because we will be living together. So, I don't need to drive out to visit you.
Me: Oh, I see Tim. *Smile*

10 November 2010

My day today

We had fun today. I cooked macaroni, with cheese, salami and mixed vegetable sauce.

In the afternoon, we went to the playpark.
Timmy wanted to ride the bike there. It's a change. Usually we just go around the block. However this time, he wanted to ride the bike there. So we did.

We had a race running around the garden at the playpark.
He's getting fast at running these days, especially after his current favourite of racing cars. Another girl, Levy joined us. Timmy played the swing, the slide.
We did frog jumped and ran again.

Then a dog came, a Golden Retriever.
Timmy just froze there, while screamed: Mamaaaaaa....
I came approached him and stood in front of him. And Levy started to hide behind me too. :)

Tim: Aku udahan ah... aku mau naik sepeda aja. hehehe..

I was out of breath trying to catch up with him biking.
It was because of the flat tyre.

By the time we finished, I told Timmy that I wanted to refill the wiper fluid.
Me: Mama wants to fill the wiper water. Do you want to join me? I've never done this before Tim.
Tim: Hm? Wiper? Yeah! I want!

So, there we were, the two of us, excited about this first time experience.
Timmy helped me to get the water. After that we washed our car front mirror.

At home, we entered the tent and sat there, while Timmy put his head on my lap.
Tim: Mom, I want to work here.
Me: In the tent?
Tim: Yeah..
Me: But it's not bright enough Tim...
Tim: But there is light...there! (while pointing to the light on our ceiling).
Me: But that's outside...
Tim: Oh, Ok. I have an idea. Let's bring this tent upstairs and I will pluck my desk lamp and put it here. So, I can work here. How about that Mom? Good idea?

Tim...Tim...Love you!


Several funny events lately:

1) Timmy said: By the time I'm 6 years old, I'll be taller.
By the time I'm in university, I'll be even taller.
By the time I work, I'll be fat. Like Papa.
Me: Hah?
Tim: I'm just kidding....

2) Few days ago, Timmy got stuck at the school gate.
After I asked him why, he told me that there is one of the teachers who were standing at the gate, who lives nearby our house. And she ever told Timmy that she wanted to take Timmy's bike. I don't want her to take my bike Mom.
That's why he refused to cross the gate.

I told him, if that's the case, let's face this problem together.
We could walk hand in hand, and we approach the teacher and tell her not to take your bike ok? Beside your bike will be too small for her. It won't fit her. She must be just kidding.

So, we were walking hand in hand. By the time we reached the teachers place, Timmy let go of his hand held and ran like a thunder. Didn't even have the chance to say that to the teacher.

3) The next day, there were 8 teachers standing by the gate. 4 on the left, 4 on the right. Once the teachers saw Timmy, they called out: Timmy... and the 2 teachers at the front made a barricade, to catch him in case he ran away.

And Timmy did ran and get caught by the teachers.
He used all his strength to get away and run like a thunderbolt again.

How do we think we can solve the problem? I wanted to brainstorm with Timmy.
We will try to find several solutions.

Like previously, there was a teacher of Achievers A who likes to tease Timmy to go to her class. And every morning, Timmy gotta pass through the her class to get to his class. We found the solution last time, of talking to the teacher nicely, asked Timmy to tell her: Teacher, my class is D class. Please don't ask me to go to your class. (actually the teacher was just joking, gemes aja dia lihat Timmy). But Timmy took it seriously.

He then wore his name tag, which mentioned Achievers D.
Every time he saw this teacher, Timmy pointed to his name tag. hahahaha...

4) Yesterday Timmy told me that behind his name tag, there is a Hello Kitti sticker that he got from his teacher for being good in class. And he's so proud of this sticker.

However, apparently his boy friends were laughing at him, saying that it's girly sticker. So, Timmy had an idea to keep the name tag in his pocket, so his friends couldn't see it anymore.

(When we were in the car, I noticed that there was a rectangle thing in his pocket, and he doesn't normally put things in his pocket. Then he came up with the story).

Me: Then were is the blue ribbon for your name tag?
Tim: Lan lao shi kept it in the drawer. Do you wanna go back and get it Mom?
Me: No. It's okay.

The funny thing was that he had an idea to keep it in his pocket. :)

5) The next day, after school, I saw him putting on his name tag again.
This time with mickey mouse sticker. hahahaha.
And he place this sticker covering his face.

Me: Did Lan lao shi returned your blue ribbon?
Tim: No, I took it myself.

Me: Why do you put this sticker on your face Tim?
Tim: because kuku said my face doesn't look good in this photo. (he had a grumpy post).

Oh Tim..Tim.

6) We were at Farmers market and bumped into Timmy's classmate, a girl named Jessi.
As she saw us, Jessi approached Timmy and rubbed Timmy's both cheek while saying: "Ih...kamu ngegemesin banget sih..." Timmy cuek bebek gitu. hahaha...

Apparently Jessi's mom told me that Jessi likes Timmy. He can understand the teachers in class. What does he eat ya Mom? Her mom: Why don't you ask him?

While for Timmy's case, he said that he wants to be tall, like Jessi.
Timmy: aku mau makan yang banyak, biar tinggi kayak jessi. Nanti kalo aku umur 6 tahun, setinggi Jessi gak ya?


09 November 2010


I had a wonderful day today with Timmy.

We made a birthday card for Ibu Eka, Timmy's classroom teacher.
Timmy filled the card with his current fan: all sorts of racing car brand, namely
Mercedes CLK 500, SL 430, McLaren, Gallardo Lamborghini, the RPM, LED. He pretended that it was a race and wrote: Winner. 3:21, 2,000. Meaning that he won the race at 3:21 minutes and the prize was 2,000 Dollars.

I wonder how would his teacher feel when she read this card.
hahahahaha... Well, anyway, it's Timmy. (the originality is what counts). :)
He then also wrote Happy Birthday Ibu Eka Hazalina. From: Timmy. 9-11-2010.

Later in the afternoon, we played number hopscotch.
We laid the numbers on the floor, then Timmy named the numbers and we gotta jumped to it. He wrote on our whiteboard: Group 1 Timmy, Group 2 Mama. Then divide it into 2 column.

At first, Timmy named the numbers and we jumped to it.
When I wanted to name the numbers too, Timmy said: Mom, you shouldn't name the numbers, because I'm the teacher. So, I should name it. (Me: rolling eyes). hehehe.

The funny part was that he had a number in his mind and he read the numbers as he jumped. No wonder he got all the points. When he arrived first and I later, he wrote 1 point for himself. And 0.5 point for me. (At first I thought that I'm gonna get 0 points. Hahaha). How could he come up with number less than 1?

Later I said: Tim, this is not fair. You shouldn't name the number as you jump.
You should have name the number first, then said: Ready, Steady, Go. Then we jump together.
Tim: Okay Mom.

We played with the improved rule.
Not long after, before he named the number, he moved it first to a location near him.
For example, if he wanted to name 3, he moved the number 3 near him, then called out: number 3, ready, steady, go. But it was closer to him already.
Timmy....I protested.

Just before bed, as we lay down on the bed, we chat:
Me: Tim, do you want to make a surprise for Ibu Eka?
Tim: Smiling, yeah Mom. Like Pororo.... hahahahaha.
Me: How do you think Ibu Eka will feel if she receives your card tomorrow?
Tim: Happy....
Me: Do you want to slip the card in the 'communication book' or give it straight to her?
Tim: I want to give it straight to her.
Me: (thinking...hey that's an improvement...)
Are you gonna ask your friend to sing happy birthday song to Ibu Eka, like how she asked your friends to sing for you on your birthday?
Tim: smiling...then he pretended that he was sleeping, while snoring. Grookkk..grookk.

I was like...hm? (he has never done this before). And I was laughing out loud.
Not long after, Timmy started laughing too, then pretended to be sleeping, snoring again. Me: Where do you learn that from Tim?
Tim: Pororo.
Me: hahahahaha...

Not long after, I was singing lullaby, while stroking him and he was fast asleep.

What a wonderful day.
Thank you God. :)


Timmy and I were down due to sore throat...
It hurts when we swallow.

We went to the doctor last week, and after the medicine has finished, the sore throat was still there.

Me: Ok, Tim. We better hurry, because the doctor will be there till 8pm.
So you better finish your dinner and we will go.

Tim: Alright Mom. And since you are having sore throat like me too, later you can share my medicine ya... Look Mom...You've been teaching me to share and now I'm sharing with you. So we can get well together.

Me: That's kind of you Tim. Thanks. But our dose will be different.


08 November 2010

Timmy turns 5

Timmy turns 5 on 2nd November 2010.

Time flies... and looking back it has been wonderful 5 years with you around Tim...
Our family days were merrier.
Although it is challenging sometimes, but overall it has been wonderful journey...
As we trust our path in God's hand and guidance.
In times, I lost my patience and I am still learning...
We will be on this learning together...with God's love and mercy.
Mom and Dad want to let you know Tim, that we love you...Always...

Usually we buy the ready-made cake at a bakery, but this year I wanted to learn to bake our own home-made birthday cake. Special thank you for my mother-in-law who taught me on how to bake the cake :), as I have zero experience in baking whatsoever. hehehehe...It's totally something new for me.

I let Timmy know that this year we are gonna bake his birthday cake and he could get involved from the very first beginning. From getting the ingredients in the market, to the process of making it.

As we drove to school, I asked him:
Me: How do you want your cake to look like Tim?
Tim: I want my cake to have 5 candles and another number 5 behind the candles.
So the candles will be in front of the number 5.
Me: Wow, that's interesting. OK. We will do it ya...
Tim: Okay Mom. :) Yippee...

These were the pictures taken when he joined us to the wet market to get the ingredients for the cake. As he saw how the man cut the chocolate bar with a string, instead of a knife, Timmy commented: "Canggih ya....potongnya pake benang." hahahaha...

These were when he helped his grandma in measuring the ingredients.
Then jotted them down in his note. ;)

He was waiting for the butter to melt over the stove...
and was intrigued when he saw the mixer turned so fast and saw how the eggs and sugar were mixed...
Tim: "Mom...it's smelly."
Me: Hahahaha...

This was when he helped to hold the mixer, and commented: "Semoga Berhasil!"
Me and my mother in law was laughing when he said: "Semoga Berhasil."
(I usually say that when I tried to bake something with him at home, since I'm still a beginner. ;)) Apparently he heard and copied what I said. Hahahahaha...
I then told him: "Kalo sama Mama iya semoga berhasil. Kalo sama Popo, Popo udah ahli. Pasti berhasil Tim. Hahahahaha..."

He then helped to grease the pan and apply the butter cream to the cake.

These was when he helped to put the chocolate and munching as he did it.
Nyam...nyam...nyomot emang enak....Hahahaha...

We wrote a message for him on the whiteboard and funnily he replied: Thanks Mama. With a smiley face too. :)

This is how his final birthday cake looks like. :)
And the mini celebration on the birthday.

In the afternoon Timmy had a bike ride with Grandma.

Happy Birthday Tim!

03 November 2010

Es Campur

We had "Es Campur" by the road.
Timmy was so interested in looking the the machine to make the ice.
From his early years, his interest in all sorts of machinery is high.

02 November 2010

Tornado in a Bottle

We did a little science experiment on making "tornado in a bottle".

Making Banana Muffin

I tried to make banana muffin the other day.
The mixture tasted great already, but because I used toaster oven instead of proper oven, the top part of the muffin was burned and the inside was uncooked. Hehehee...Oops.

Hence we were scraping it, cut off the burned side, and ate the yummy crunchy top,
re-oven the uncooked ones again. Hahahaha...

Whenever I tried to cook something new, I usually tell Timmy about it. And when it doesn't turn out to be great, I tell him too.
We can learn something and hope that next time will be better.

This way, I hope that it will teach Timmy not to be afraid to fail & have more courage to try and experiment.

That morning we went upstairs and the following happened:
Me: Tim, what did we make? You can tell Papa about it.
Tim: Banana muffin cake.
Me: And how's the result Tim?
Tim: Gosong... Kuenya gosong.
Benny, Timmy and I: Hahahahahahaha....

We had a good laugh about it. :)

Playing Together

Playing Football

One sunny afternoon, we headed outdoors and started playing football with the neighbors. It was fun!

Making Home-made Pizza

We made our home-made pizza.
It was my first ever trial making home-made pizza.
Made it from scratch, for the pizza dough.
(Special thanks to Leonny for the recipe and inspiration.) :)

Here are the photos:
The dough, and the uncooked pizza.

The toppings...and Timmy ate the cheese while waiting. Hehehe...
Then, when it's done, he became the delivery man, delivering 'oven-fresh' pizza for Papa. :) Nice of you Tim. That's him in the photos as he went up the stairs.

That's Timmy while the waited for the pizza to be cooked.
Timmy with Papa, right after he delivered the pizza. "Special delivery for Papa...". hehehe...
(I just noticed that he slipped his little chicken in his pants.) Usually when we ordered Pizza Hut, it's the delivery man. This time it's delivery boy and delivery chicken. Hahaha...

In total, we made 5 pizzas.