It all started when we passed by Time Zone some time ago, and Timmy got stuck there watching a boy who was playing car games. Then, Benny had a thought of buying car games, installed it in our computer and started playing together.
Father and son bonding time... They were choosing the cars together.
Me...I have no idea what they are playing and what they are talking about. hehehe.. Body Kit, Spoiler, Rim brand, Hoods, Trident, Roof Scoops, RIM paint, etc.
When they choose it, the following conversation occured:
Benny: "Mobilnya mau tipe apa Tim? Mercedes? "
Timmy: "Oke."
Benny: "Mau warna apa Tim?"
Timmy: "Ehm....Ungu.."
Benny: "Ungunya yang mana? ungu muda atau ungu tua?"
Timmy: "Ehm..muda..muda..."
Benny: "Spoilernya mau yang mana Tim?"
Timmy: "Yang ini aja..."
Benny: "Iya, Papa juga bilang yang ini keren... Speedometernya mau warna apa?"
Timmy: "Orange..."
Benny: "Body kit pilih yang mana Tim?"
Timmy: "Sepertinya yang ini bagus. Aku yakin ini bagus."
And the conversation goes on.....till they were satisfied with their cars.
Here are the pictures of their cars.

I overheard the following conversation when they were playing together.
Tim: "Do you have to install GPS Papa?"
What "do you have to do to win?"
"Don't bump into the wall Papa..."
Lalu Papa, kita jalan di jalanan apa dong?
"Papa hati hati ya... kali ini jangan tabrak ya."
"Papa...kalau sudah lihat jalanan bengkok-bengkok, kamu harus pelan...gitu.."
"Keep left..."
Apparently, it really inspired Timmy.
Everything he does these days is car related...
From drawing cars, the speedometer, RPM, Km/Hour, running fast like cars, talking about cars.
Even as he comes out of the school gate, he runs like his "Gallardo" car, with his index finger pointing, pretending that it is the speedometer. And this happens everyday...
When Benny went away on a business trip, Timmy asked me to turn the computer on and play Need of Speed together. I was like? Hah? Me? Oh boy...
Anyway, I did try and my car bumped here and there, and eventually got caught by the police! hahahahahaha..... Well, well, well, I'm not qualified as a "Need for Speed" driver. :)
Timmy: When you see the police, you should bump the police car Mom.
Me: "Hah? What?"
Tim: "Yeah, otherwise you'll get caught. Maybe you should change car Mom. You should use a slower car. Try Fiat Punto."
Me: "Ok. How do I change the car?"
Tim: "You should go to the car store."
Me: "Ok. Where is it?"
Tim: "You need to find the blue one on the map. Here it is."
Me: "Ok, How do I get there?"
Tim: "You follow the route here, on the map."
Me: "Ok, I'll try."
(But as I tried, my car bumped here and there and didn't even make it to the car store. And...get caught by the police. Hahahahaha.)
Tim: "Oh...Mommy..."
Me: Hahahahaahaha...
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