I tried to make banana muffin the other day.
The mixture tasted great already, but because I used toaster oven instead of proper oven, the top part of the muffin was burned and the inside was uncooked. Hehehee...Oops.
Hence we were scraping it, cut off the burned side, and ate the yummy crunchy top,
re-oven the uncooked ones again. Hahahaha...
Whenever I tried to cook something new, I usually tell Timmy about it. And when it doesn't turn out to be great, I tell him too.
We can learn something and hope that next time will be better.
This way, I hope that it will teach Timmy not to be afraid to fail & have more courage to try and experiment.
That morning we went upstairs and the following happened:
Me: Tim, what did we make? You can tell Papa about it.
Tim: Banana muffin cake.
Me: And how's the result Tim?
Tim: Gosong... Kuenya gosong.
Benny, Timmy and I: Hahahahahahaha....
We had a good laugh about it. :)
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