We made a birthday card for Ibu Eka, Timmy's classroom teacher.
Timmy filled the card with his current fan: all sorts of racing car brand, namely
Mercedes CLK 500, SL 430, McLaren, Gallardo Lamborghini, the RPM, LED. He pretended that it was a race and wrote: Winner. 3:21, 2,000. Meaning that he won the race at 3:21 minutes and the prize was 2,000 Dollars.
I wonder how would his teacher feel when she read this card.
hahahahaha... Well, anyway, it's Timmy. (the originality is what counts). :)
He then also wrote Happy Birthday Ibu Eka Hazalina. From: Timmy. 9-11-2010.

Later in the afternoon, we played number hopscotch.
We laid the numbers on the floor, then Timmy named the numbers and we gotta jumped to it. He wrote on our whiteboard: Group 1 Timmy, Group 2 Mama. Then divide it into 2 column.
At first, Timmy named the numbers and we jumped to it.
When I wanted to name the numbers too, Timmy said: Mom, you shouldn't name the numbers, because I'm the teacher. So, I should name it. (Me: rolling eyes). hehehe.
The funny part was that he had a number in his mind and he read the numbers as he jumped. No wonder he got all the points. When he arrived first and I later, he wrote 1 point for himself. And 0.5 point for me. (At first I thought that I'm gonna get 0 points. Hahaha). How could he come up with number less than 1?
Later I said: Tim, this is not fair. You shouldn't name the number as you jump.
You should have name the number first, then said: Ready, Steady, Go. Then we jump together.
Tim: Okay Mom.
We played with the improved rule.
Not long after, before he named the number, he moved it first to a location near him.
For example, if he wanted to name 3, he moved the number 3 near him, then called out: number 3, ready, steady, go. But it was closer to him already.
Timmy....I protested.

Just before bed, as we lay down on the bed, we chat:
Me: Tim, do you want to make a surprise for Ibu Eka?
Tim: Smiling, yeah Mom. Like Pororo.... hahahahaha.
Me: How do you think Ibu Eka will feel if she receives your card tomorrow?
Tim: Happy....
Me: Do you want to slip the card in the 'communication book' or give it straight to her?
Tim: I want to give it straight to her.
Me: (thinking...hey that's an improvement...)
Are you gonna ask your friend to sing happy birthday song to Ibu Eka, like how she asked your friends to sing for you on your birthday?
Tim: smiling...then he pretended that he was sleeping, while snoring. Grookkk..grookk.
I was like...hm? (he has never done this before). And I was laughing out loud.
Not long after, Timmy started laughing too, then pretended to be sleeping, snoring again. Me: Where do you learn that from Tim?
Tim: Pororo.
Me: hahahahaha...
Not long after, I was singing lullaby, while stroking him and he was fast asleep.
What a wonderful day.
Thank you God. :)
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