20 July 2021


Making Croccodile 🐊
Using toilet paper roll. 

We wanted to learn the nursery rhyme Row row row your Boat. ⛵

Mama was inspired to make the crocodile using toilet paper roll. 

So what we did was:
1. Paint the toilet paper roll green. 
(We went to Poundland and I found blue and green water paint and some goggly eyes. ) Yay! 
Thank you Kuku Aunie @tink0710 for the paint brush. 😘💕

2. Mama drew some shapes for the body, tail and mouth. 

3. Andrew painted it green. 
4. We decorated it with some marker. (I found some permanent color marker at Poundland).
5. We cut it 
6. Stick the goggly eyes. 
7. Stick the body parts to the painted toilet paper. 
8. Tadaaaa! We have a crocodile. 

Wanna make yours?


16 July 2021

Water play

When your kids wanna go out and you have to stay at home...give them empty containers and water.  They will explore and have fun for at least 30 minutes. 

Let them play outside or in the bathroom, where the spills won't drive you mad. 

I used the containers from supermarket groceries. Yup, we can recycle, reuse and play! 

What did Andrew learn?
He learned to pour water from one container to another. 

Looking and observed, why did he pour in one hole and the water can fill another hole?

He noticed float and sink. 

Thank you Kuku Aunie @tink0710  for the lovely toys. Donald, Mickey, Minnie and Pluto was having a swim...diving...enjoying their jacuzzi. Hahahaha ..

Yup, let your kids imagination run wild. 

...and the session ended up with Andrew wetting his sleeves accidentally, then purposely...

..and then he threw the water at me..
...and yep, the session is ended. 😀🙈😉🤝😂
Sorry boy, that's off the limit. 

#andrewwidj54months #waterplay #recycleandplay #pouring #imagine #andrewwidjvideo