I hate it when people speaks hurtful words....
and the fact that it comes from the people who is closest to you makes it hurt even more.
Why do couple tends to take things for granted and never utter words of appreciation?
Tend to find the flaws?
Hey...marriage is made up by two people who is NOT perfect!
I really like the post by Leonny....Quoted below:
"Since this is a ‘relationship’ post, I thought it’d be timely to share some ‘relationship reminders’ for all couples out there too today (extracted from the family seminar we went to last month - ‘Christ, the Lord of my family’, by Rev. DR. Stephen Tong).
And here they are :
- RESPECT and APPRECIATE our spouse, because this is one key reason why two different individuals can love each other and be together for many many years
- Don’t expect too highly of your spouse, because he/she is not an angel, but a sinful human being
- Learn to FORGIVE and learn to willingly sacrifice for each other
- Balance in the family is derived from differences found between the husband and the wife
- Before one is married, he/she tends to view everything from a ‘ME’ point of view. But once one is married, he/she will start seeing things from a ‘How about you?’ perspective.
It sure takes TWO to work on a marriage.
And if you ask me, I’d say it sure needs a LOT of effort and sacrifice to make one’s marriage work."
when together, disagreements and conflicts are simply inevitable.
In our home, we have our share of heated arguments too.
When good intentions are misunderstood. Lack of communication is seen as lack of appreciation. An exchange of unkind tone of voice as a result of work pressure and daily stress.
Just like any other normal relationships, we have our moments of frustrations with each other.
Really, it’s only when we start talking openly, listening to the other person, resisting the urge to self-defend, swallowing own pride, apologising for one’s unwise move, that we can slowly come to a better understanding of each other.
When conflicts occur, hold your tongue and avoid saying hurtful words that you’ll only regret later. ‘Battles’ get resolved, but hurtful words uttered in a moment of anger may remain in the mind and heart of your spouse.
And I must say, in the end, when both parties are willing to work things out and build a strong marriage together, the seemingly negative experience can bring us closer as husband and wife. That is, when we better understand our spouse’s need and thoughts, and when we discover better ways of handling such conflicts in the future.