05 July 2010

Ular Tangga

We played Ular Tangga yesterday.
I taught Timmy the rules of the game...
when you reach the ladder, you can go up...
but when you reach the snake's tail, you must go down to the head of the snake.

We started playing according to the rules,
but when Timmy nearly reached the finished, he reached the snake, then going down...
that happened several times... hehehehehe...

Then he said:
"Mom, I don't wanna reach the snake's tail.
So, whenever I stop at the snake, I will re-roll the dice. Okay?"

Me: "No, Tim...that's the rule of the game."
Tim: "But Mom, if it is that way, I will never finish... I kept going down."
Me: "That's the probability Tim...Perhaps sometimes when you roll the dice, you won't touch the snake.."
Tim: "Ya Mom, that's why it's better if I re-roll the dice..."

Cheeky boy....
He started thinking of another way to finish the game.


  1. smart, Timmy! I like your idea. that's what I'll do the next time I play uler tangga. just keep rolling the die until I get to the very last square :)
