07 July 2010

IndoBuild Tech Exhibition Part 2

After the exhibition, I asked Timmy what is the best part that he like?
I thought and guess in my heart that he's gonna like the automatic door tester machine. And I was surprised by his answer:
Tim: "I like taking the candies best!" hahahahahaha...

Most of the stall provides free candy on their table and Timmy had been taking them as he walked pass by. This pockets were full of candies, till if he bend over to sit on a chair, the candies will fall out of his pocket.

Kids...kids... hehehehehe.


  1. Wah, anak cowo demen ya kalo dibawa ke exhibition begini. Rachel mah demennya shopping di mall... kayak Mommy and tante2nya ini.

  2. Hehehe...iya si Timmy enjoy banget buat ke tempat beginian...

    Mommynya sih demen shopping di mall juga. hehehehehe... ntar kalo ada waktu, gua posting yang shopping with Timmy. :)
