10 July 2010

My Blog Reader

This post is dedicated to all my blog readers. :)

It's to my surprise that some people follow my blog, because at first my whole purpose of creating this blog was to record my activities with Timmy.

I'm glad that you like my blog and thanks to Sisil and Hans who have publicly follows. Others are welcome to do so too.

For those that haven't follow publicly, I would like to get to know you.
Please do leave a comment or feel free to message me at facebook:

Please let me know if you are blog reader and let's connect. :)
I would really appreciate it.


  1. gw baru liat blog elu, Len.... yah, gw ketinggalan banyak neh. gimana catch up-nya yah, hehehe

  2. Hi Sis, thank you ya buat posting comment. :)
    Gimana eloe come across blog guanya?

  3. Oh. hehehehehe...
    Thanks for the feedback ya. :)
