20 July 2010

16 July 2010

The next day, 16 July 2010, when my alarm rang at 03.15 am, Timmy was awaken too.
He was excited!

Timmy: "Mom, we should wake up. We will go to the airport today. Chicken, we will go to Jogja today."

He got his own travel trolley bag and I packed his clothes there.
He packed his own little chicken, mother chicken, father chicken and little duck.
Then pulled it by himself all the way...around airports, in the plane aisle.

Finally we arrived Jogja.
Timmy doesn't like it during the plane take-off and landing, because his ear would hurt. So we bought lots and lots of candy for this occasion.
Normally he wouldn't be allowed to eat too much candy.
This would be an exception for him. hehehehe..


  1. ya ampun. ayam sekeluarga harus ikut semua yah? hahahaha

  2. Hahahaha...Iya tuh Sis. Ayam sekeluarga ikut.
    Timmy yang packing mereka. :)

    Sebenernya yang paling disayang sama dia cuman Little Chicken. Di Jogja, yang keluar dari tas cuma Little Chicken. Yang lain, stay di bag. hahahahaa..

  3. kata papa dan mama chicken... gpp deh biar cm stuck di dlm bag, yg penting udah diajak jln2 hahaha
