08 July 2010

Timmy: 4 years and 8 months old

Timmy is now 4 years and 8 months old.

Height: 112 cm
Weight: 21 kg

At this age, he:
- likes to watch Bob the Builder and Dora the Explorer.
(Although I banned him from watching Dora, because he imitates Swiper so much). :p

- has stopped playing with the water tap (which used to drive me mad).

- is learning to write letters

- loves to write numbers... he could sit still and writes numbers from 1 - 510.

- likes to eat sweets and candies (although given daily quota of only 1 by Mommy).

- is learning to play with friends and improve social skills.

- likes to test Mom and Dad's patience.

Despite the many headaches, having Timmy in our family has brighten our days, add colors to our marriage life... and I'm thankful to God for this wonderful gift that He has entrusted to our family.

He teaches us things about life, about being patient, about the need to always rely upon God’s strength and wisdom in bringing up our child in the family.

We pray always for God's love and guidance in our family life...

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