13 July 2010

Little notes

I would like to make little note for myself, in case my mind goes rusty.

1) Today, we went to my mother in law's house; and pass through the road that we used to walk while Timmy went to a catholic school, Sang Timur.
Me: "Tim, we used to walk here everyday to school. Remember?"
Tim: "Yeah...and I don't like the tree without the leaves..."

I was surprised that he could still recall. Because that was more than 1 year ago and we have traveled to so many places after that. The last time he attended this school was May 2009, and now it's July 2010.

We were waiting for my mother in law to come.
Me: "Do you want to go to your ex-school Tim?"
Timmy: "No, I'm not playgroup anymore. What if the teacher there ask me? I'm TK B now."

Me: "Ok, then let's go to the church. (The church is next to the school).
Tim: "Mom, what's that triangle thing there?"
Me: "It's for the bell."
Tim: "No, I don't want to go."
Me: "The bell won't ring today. It will only ring when there is a mass on Sunday."
Tim: "No."
Dough....so, we were standing in front of the motor parking space, beside the road.
I tried to negotiate with him, but to no avail.
Luckily, not long after my mother in law has come. Fiuh!
Saved by the bell.

2) The other day, while Timmy was having his potty training, I was reading him a book about animals. I wanted to read just 1 section of the book. Timmy wanted me to go on till we finish the whole book.

The book describes about each animal and the name of their babies.
Like dogs baby is called puppies, cat's kitten, cow's calf, etc.

Towards the end of the of the book, there are some similar names.

Out of the blue I asked him, "Hey...Penguin babies are called pups. This is the similar names with the animal that we have read! Do you know what animal is it?" (tadinya iseng2 aja).
Timmy: Dog.
Me: "Wow... hahahahaha..."

Me: "How about this one: Walrus... I have 2 long tusks. I can swim very well. My baby is called calf. Hey it's the same again with what animal?"
Timmy: Cow!
Me: "Hahahaha...you remember Tim."
Timmy: "Hahahahaha..." He was very happy and gave me a big hug.

3) Timmy was playing with Tari today, and Tari told me this story.
She saw a newspaper add with airplane on it and said: "Ini Tim, lihat ni..."
Tim: "Iya, aku pernah naik lho Mbak. Tapi yang Singapore airlines. Ada TVnya, ada headseatnya. Buat dengerin lagu."
Tari: "Kenapa pake itu?"
Tim: "Iya...biar ngga berisik. Di pesawat ada 800 orang lho. Kan kasihan kalo berisik."

4) I told Timmy that we will go to Farmers market after dinner.
But apparently, by the time we finish dinner, it's too late. Hence:
Me: "Tim, how about if we go to Farmers market tomorrow?"
Tim: "Why Mom?"
Me: "Because it's getting late, it's 7.00 pm already now."
Tim: "No Mom, it's OK. Because Farmers Market opens until 10.00 pm."
(Oh...gosh...he knows..)
But finally he agreed to go there tomorrow instead, and told his chicken:
Tim: "Chicken, we are not going to Farmers market after dinner. Because Mommy said that it's too late. It's dark already. So, we will go tomorrow."

5) Prior to going to Farmers market, I wrote myself a shopping list.
Apparently Timmy took it and added "ice cream" on the list. hehehehe...
At the ice cream counter, he was looking for the blue berry flavour. But to no avail.
The lady was there and she asked him: Cari yang rasa apa?
Tim: Blueberry.
The lady: Udah ngga ada, gantinya yang rasa ini.
Tim: enak gak?
The lady: Enak juga.
Tim: Ya udah deh, ini aja.

6) When my back hurts, Timmy comforted me...with the chicken.

7) Before we went to Bandung, I told Timmy that I need to buy the dust mask because I'm allergic to dust. It could cause me to sneeze. Hatchi...hatchi...
Tim: Don't worry Mom. When you sneeze, I will say: Bless you...bless you.

At the preparation, Timmy told his chickens: "Chickens...we are going to Bandung."
Put them in the red plastic and into his luggage and carried them around the house, like a happy boy.

8) Before bedtime, we usually have bedtime stories.
That night, Timmy negotiated for more stories, by counting the good deeds that he has done throughout the day. Coz 1 good deed would entitle him for 1 more extra bonus story. hahahaha...

9) At the Sunday school, the teachers said that for the kids who are brave and go alone, through the front door. For those that are still accompanied by parents or maid, through the back door.

Timmy said that he wanted to be brave. And he did. Although it was his first time going to the Sunday school again, after 2 years of not going.

On the way down to get the blessings from the Father, the kids queue.
And Timmy started pushing the boy in front of him, who is much bigger than him.
(Timmy's height was up to his chin). And the boy pushed him back.

I was watching from a distance...to observe what's gonna happen.
Later that day, I asked him why did he do that? Tim said because he didn't want the boy to stop and stand that way.

I told him that next time, he should say it nicely. Because if he pushed, he wouldn't understand what you want, Ok Tim?

Before bed, apparently Timmy remembered the song that they taught at Sunday school.
B A I K, baik.....B A I K, baik.... saya mau sperti Yesus, BAIK baik.
Aku mau baik Mama. :)

10) While riding a bike, Timmy would say, this is speed 1, and he pedalled slowly.
Speed 2, a bit faster...
Speed 3, faster...
Speed 4, even faster...
Speed 5, speeding real fast, that I even have to speed to catch up with him, till my thigh sore. hehehehe...

11) I was reading a story to Timmy about Energy.
And they explained about Potential energy, Kinetic energy. with the illustrations of a girl on the diving board.

Then I used his duck and held it high, then explain that now the duck has potential energy.... but as it drops, it has kinetic energy.

The book then has questions:
1. a skier at the top of the slope, can you identify what type of energy?
Tim: Potential energy.

2. Skier racing down a slope.
Tim: Kinetic energy.

3. Racing car at full speed.
Tim: Kinetic energy.

He answered them correctly! Wow! I'm amazed.
I used to learn this when I was a high school. Tim, at the age of 4. hehehehe.

After that, we watched the video of Youth Olympic Games, for 10 meter platform diving. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/olympicsingapore2010#p/u/57/bf-UypHQYJY




  1. dia tuh very smart yah... daya serapnya tinggi sekali. trus kayanya sih bakal jd insinyur nih anak haha
