07 July 2010

Little Chicken

Last weekend, we stayed overnight at my parents' house.
I forgot to bring Timmy's little chicken.
It's his lovey dovey which accompanies him to sleep every night.

Previously I told him about what to prepare and bring to his grandparents house, and got his things in 1 separate bag.
He was still playing with little chicken...
Tari reminded him to remember to bring it.... and he forgot and so did I...

Half way near Tomang, he suddenly remembered his little chicken; and asked us to detour to get it. We tried to deviate his mind from it and it worked.

However, at night time...he was miserable.
Luckily, that morning, he was playing with my handphone and took photos of his little chicken.

So, I tried to soothe him:
Me: "Tim...it's okay. Little chicken is at home. He is safe at home... with his mommy... He is taking care and guarding our house."
Tim: "No..he can't guard the house."
Me: "Look, we got the photos of little chicken in my handphone. Do you want to see it?"
Tim: "Huuuu.....little chicken...I miss you....Huuu...(Sobbing and tears ran down his cheeks)

While he was drinking milk, one hand held the milk, the other hand held my phone while stroking the screen of my mobile, saying: "Chicken....I miss you."

Oh...it's seems like a boyfriend missing his girlfriend.
(That's what I thought deep inside my heart... hahahaha)


  1. hahaha. sampe segitunya yah. very deep bonding tuh antara timmy dan ayemnya. spt ding2 dgn choki-nya hahaha

  2. Iya tuh, udah unseparable. Deep bonding bener deh. Gua punya ayam yang kayak gitu persis juga Sis. Tapi itu jadi induk ayamnya. Timmy tanpa lihat, sekali pegang juga udah tau yang mana yang ayamnya dia.

    Ayamnya bukan saja langka, udah punah.

    Bener...Ding2 dengan chokinya. hehehehehe.

    JL gitu gak? Ada lovey doveynya?
