Several funny events lately:
1) Timmy said: By the time I'm 6 years old, I'll be taller.
By the time I'm in university, I'll be even taller.
By the time I work, I'll be fat. Like Papa.
Me: Hah?
Tim: I'm just kidding....
2) Few days ago, Timmy got stuck at the school gate.
After I asked him why, he told me that there is one of the teachers who were standing at the gate, who lives nearby our house. And she ever told Timmy that she wanted to take Timmy's bike. I don't want her to take my bike Mom.
That's why he refused to cross the gate.
I told him, if that's the case, let's face this problem together.
We could walk hand in hand, and we approach the teacher and tell her not to take your bike ok? Beside your bike will be too small for her. It won't fit her. She must be just kidding.
So, we were walking hand in hand. By the time we reached the teachers place, Timmy let go of his hand held and ran like a thunder. Didn't even have the chance to say that to the teacher.
3) The next day, there were 8 teachers standing by the gate. 4 on the left, 4 on the right. Once the teachers saw Timmy, they called out: Timmy... and the 2 teachers at the front made a barricade, to catch him in case he ran away.
And Timmy did ran and get caught by the teachers.
He used all his strength to get away and run like a thunderbolt again.
How do we think we can solve the problem? I wanted to brainstorm with Timmy.
We will try to find several solutions.
Like previously, there was a teacher of Achievers A who likes to tease Timmy to go to her class. And every morning, Timmy gotta pass through the her class to get to his class. We found the solution last time, of talking to the teacher nicely, asked Timmy to tell her: Teacher, my class is D class. Please don't ask me to go to your class. (actually the teacher was just joking, gemes aja dia lihat Timmy). But Timmy took it seriously.
He then wore his name tag, which mentioned Achievers D.
Every time he saw this teacher, Timmy pointed to his name tag. hahahaha...
4) Yesterday Timmy told me that behind his name tag, there is a Hello Kitti sticker that he got from his teacher for being good in class. And he's so proud of this sticker.
However, apparently his boy friends were laughing at him, saying that it's girly sticker. So, Timmy had an idea to keep the name tag in his pocket, so his friends couldn't see it anymore.
(When we were in the car, I noticed that there was a rectangle thing in his pocket, and he doesn't normally put things in his pocket. Then he came up with the story).
Me: Then were is the blue ribbon for your name tag?
Tim: Lan lao shi kept it in the drawer. Do you wanna go back and get it Mom?
Me: No. It's okay.
The funny thing was that he had an idea to keep it in his pocket. :)
5) The next day, after school, I saw him putting on his name tag again.
This time with mickey mouse sticker. hahahaha.
And he place this sticker covering his face.
Me: Did Lan lao shi returned your blue ribbon?
Tim: No, I took it myself.
Me: Why do you put this sticker on your face Tim?
Tim: because kuku said my face doesn't look good in this photo. (he had a grumpy post).
Oh Tim..Tim.
6) We were at Farmers market and bumped into Timmy's classmate, a girl named Jessi.
As she saw us, Jessi approached Timmy and rubbed Timmy's both cheek while saying: "Ih...kamu ngegemesin banget sih..." Timmy cuek bebek gitu. hahaha...
Apparently Jessi's mom told me that Jessi likes Timmy. He can understand the teachers in class. What does he eat ya Mom? Her mom: Why don't you ask him?
While for Timmy's case, he said that he wants to be tall, like Jessi.
Timmy: aku mau makan yang banyak, biar tinggi kayak jessi. Nanti kalo aku umur 6 tahun, setinggi Jessi gak ya?