16 July 2013

Old Sewing Machine

It was school holiday and we stayed over at my mother-in-law's place for the whole month.
Benny had a job at Cibubur and  his colleague  stays nearby my mother-in-law's place, so they could go to work together.

Here's a snapshot of Timmy helping his grandma with the old sewing machine.
This sewing machine is more than 100 years old.
It has nothing electric and it still has to be turned by hand.

So, there Timmy was helping his grandma to sew.
It was fun for him turning that old sewing machine. Hahahahaha.
He said: "Mom, look! I can turn it as fast as the motorized one!"  Hahahaha...

My mother-in-laws has 2 sewing machines. 1 with the motor, and 1 with the hand handle.
The one with the hand handle was broken, and that day, it was just being fixed.
And she had his grandson to help him to try out the repaired sewing machine by sewing a shirt.

Fun get together activity!

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