I have recently added Google Translator feature in my blog.
Thanks to Google Translate, my blog is now readable in more than 40 languages. :)
Simply select the language you would like at the right corner under Google Translator and voila!
Have fun and enjoy! :)
30 January 2011
28 January 2011
One Fine Afternoon...
What I like about living here is that there are plenty of kids in our neighborhood and they regularly come out and play in the afternoon.
The garden next to our house has become the 'soccer ground' for the kids. :)

When the kids play together, it is a good opportunity for Timmy to socialize with peer friends...

learns to take turns...

Play together....

Ah...Timmy is growing...

This photos were taken when he shared his precious Mazda RX 8 with friends.

Note to Timmy:
If you are reading this few years down the road, it has been wonderful to have you in our family. Our days are merry with you around. Although parenting is full with ups and downs, but we want to let you know that we always love you.
We are happy to see you learning to make friends, be willing to share your toys, and taking turns. Keep up the good work, Tim!
The garden next to our house has become the 'soccer ground' for the kids. :)
When the kids play together, it is a good opportunity for Timmy to socialize with peer friends...

learns to take turns...

Play together....
Ah...Timmy is growing...
This photos were taken when he shared his precious Mazda RX 8 with friends.

Note to Timmy:
If you are reading this few years down the road, it has been wonderful to have you in our family. Our days are merry with you around. Although parenting is full with ups and downs, but we want to let you know that we always love you.
We are happy to see you learning to make friends, be willing to share your toys, and taking turns. Keep up the good work, Tim!
Note to Timmy,
Physical Exercise,
Play Time,
With Friends
26 January 2011
Mom, Why Does the Water in the Sea makes Waves?
It was our bed time and as we laid down in bed...
Timmy was half asleep when he suddenly asked me:
"Mom, why the water in the sea makes wave?"
Me: "Oh, I don't know the answer Tim. Let me find out first and will let you know."
Tim: " You'll find out from the internet?"
Me: "Yes, from the internet Tim."
(Hahahaha...I don't even know the answers to Timmy's question). :p
I searched the Wikipedia for an answer and we read it together.
(Special thanks to Sisil who taught me how to make the link :))
We read books about the sea together...

The book described about strange fishes that live in the deep blue sea.

Having read the books, we watched the video about how the animals live in the deep blue sea. Technology has enabled the scientists to discover the new deep sea creatures that live 1000-5000 meters deep. The video has brought the animals come to life. :) Very interesting indeed!
Followed by watching Sammy's Adventure.
Timmy was half asleep when he suddenly asked me:
"Mom, why the water in the sea makes wave?"
Me: "Oh, I don't know the answer Tim. Let me find out first and will let you know."
Tim: " You'll find out from the internet?"
Me: "Yes, from the internet Tim."
(Hahahaha...I don't even know the answers to Timmy's question). :p
I searched the Wikipedia for an answer and we read it together.
(Special thanks to Sisil who taught me how to make the link :))
We read books about the sea together...

The book described about strange fishes that live in the deep blue sea.
Having read the books, we watched the video about how the animals live in the deep blue sea. Technology has enabled the scientists to discover the new deep sea creatures that live 1000-5000 meters deep. The video has brought the animals come to life. :) Very interesting indeed!
Followed by watching Sammy's Adventure.
Chocolate House!
Last Christmas my sister in law bought this chocolate house...which was decorated with snow flakes, jingle bells, Christmas tree...
All made of chocolate! Yum!
It was like those in the story of Hansel and Gretel. :)

The kids were eager to eat it. hehehehe...

Merry Christmas! :) From Timmy (Oops...belated. hahahahaha)
All made of chocolate! Yum!
It was like those in the story of Hansel and Gretel. :)
The kids were eager to eat it. hehehehe...
Merry Christmas! :) From Timmy (Oops...belated. hahahahaha)
25 January 2011
Chicken's House
Flipping through my photos and found these...
I like how father and son were doing the project together, creating the chicken's house using K'nex.

This was how the house turned out to be...
Two stories high, with doors...and open-able roof. hehehe...

Timmy even added the gear pretended that it was the windmill.

He has created so many houses for his chickens...

And some vehicle too...

cement mixer...
I like how father and son were doing the project together, creating the chicken's house using K'nex.

This was how the house turned out to be...
Two stories high, with doors...and open-able roof. hehehe...
Timmy even added the gear pretended that it was the windmill.
He has created so many houses for his chickens...
And some vehicle too...
cement mixer...
Carton Wallet

We recycled the Blueberry juice carton into a carton wallet.
Timmy is collecting coins with the aim of buying Lexus miniature car.
He earns each coin with good behaviors. :)
23 January 2011
Mom, Why Can't I See God?
As Timmy laid down in bed, he asked me: "Mom, why can't I see God?"
I answered him: "Because God is in your heart. It's like wind. Although you can't see wind, but you can feel the wind."
But...I'm interested to find out more of his unique question.
There are so many answers out there in the internet, from the scientific one to the funny ones. "We cannot see God because he needs his privacy," says Patrick, 10. Patrick probably doesn't want anyone coming into his room without knocking first.
Megan, 8, thinks God likes to be alone. "If everybody saw him, they could always crowd around him." If we want to see God, we need to put up our antennae, says Laia, 14. "It's kind of like a human holding a very small bug. The bug knows something is out there, but because his vision is limited, it's hard for him to see the human. God is so much bigger. We can't see His form, but He's out there."
However, I like the answers provided by Got Questions Kids: http://www.gqkidz.org/see-God.html. Would like to share it with you today:
God does not have a body like a person that we can see and touch.
God is invisible to us because He is a Spirit. Unlike a human being, He does not have a body. Even though we can't see God, He is everywhere, just like the air is everywhere. We can't see the air, but we believe it is there because we breathe it, see it move tree branches, and feel it blow our hair. In the same way, we can't see God, but we can see the things He does. God made everything in the earth and in outer space. He made you!
God is not like us. He knows everything, can do anything, and is everywhere at once. Even though we can't see God, God wants us to believe that He is real. Believing God is real so much that you obey Him is called faith. God tells us about Himself in the Bible. If you read the Bible, you will know more and more about God without needing to see Him.
Bible Truth
"There are things about God that people cannot see – his eternal power and all the things that make him God. But since the beginning of the world those things have been easy to understand. They are made clear by what God has made. So people have no excuse for the bad things they do" (Romans 1:20, NCV).
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).
I told Timmy about the answers that I found out last night and he asked me again:
"Mom, if God is so big, how can He be in me?"
Oh this boy sure does asks interesting questions. :)
"No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is made perfect in us. . . . Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God has God living inside, and that person lives in God" (1 John 4:12, 15, NCV).
I answered him: "Because God is in your heart. It's like wind. Although you can't see wind, but you can feel the wind."
But...I'm interested to find out more of his unique question.
There are so many answers out there in the internet, from the scientific one to the funny ones. "We cannot see God because he needs his privacy," says Patrick, 10. Patrick probably doesn't want anyone coming into his room without knocking first.
Megan, 8, thinks God likes to be alone. "If everybody saw him, they could always crowd around him." If we want to see God, we need to put up our antennae, says Laia, 14. "It's kind of like a human holding a very small bug. The bug knows something is out there, but because his vision is limited, it's hard for him to see the human. God is so much bigger. We can't see His form, but He's out there."
However, I like the answers provided by Got Questions Kids: http://www.gqkidz.org/see-God.html. Would like to share it with you today:
God does not have a body like a person that we can see and touch.
God is invisible to us because He is a Spirit. Unlike a human being, He does not have a body. Even though we can't see God, He is everywhere, just like the air is everywhere. We can't see the air, but we believe it is there because we breathe it, see it move tree branches, and feel it blow our hair. In the same way, we can't see God, but we can see the things He does. God made everything in the earth and in outer space. He made you!
God is not like us. He knows everything, can do anything, and is everywhere at once. Even though we can't see God, God wants us to believe that He is real. Believing God is real so much that you obey Him is called faith. God tells us about Himself in the Bible. If you read the Bible, you will know more and more about God without needing to see Him.
Bible Truth
"There are things about God that people cannot see – his eternal power and all the things that make him God. But since the beginning of the world those things have been easy to understand. They are made clear by what God has made. So people have no excuse for the bad things they do" (Romans 1:20, NCV).
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).
I told Timmy about the answers that I found out last night and he asked me again:
"Mom, if God is so big, how can He be in me?"
Oh this boy sure does asks interesting questions. :)
"No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is made perfect in us. . . . Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God has God living inside, and that person lives in God" (1 John 4:12, 15, NCV).
19 January 2011
What a Day!
Today, I felt that my patience is challenged.
Parenting is a challenging journey...
As quoted from oureverydaythings.com
When babies are born, we find them all cute and adorable...
Their little coos and gurgles. Their tiny hands holding onto our fingers. Their eyes looking oh so intently into ours. Treasured and sweet moments indeed.
And, all babies grow up. They gradually become more independent. They learn to communicate their wants. And the reality is, from toddlerhood on, when these little ones wish to exert their demands, opinions and quest for independence, things (unfortunately) tend to end up looking and sounding rather far from cute and adorable.
They are capable of screaming, kicking a fuss, throwing toys around in their moments of ‘unhappiness’ and talking back in an unkind manner. To name a few.
Timmy is going through the phase like other preschooler, where his attitudes are often beyond what anyone will regard as respectful. Talking back, ignoring me, pretending not to hear what I said, looking away, sticking tongue out.
Thank goodness it doesn’t happen ‘all the time’, but on a particularly bad day.
I hope that when we as parents give and do their best in teaching their children -
someday, perhaps in ten or twenty or even thirty years down the road - we’ll see the fruits of our efforts.
The lesson learned is that regardless of the parents consistent firm effort - it doesn’t mean the kids will automatically become ‘good’ kids, ie. kids who are always respectful, obedient, helpful, appreciative and kind.
Reasons being, children are sinners too. And they’re not robots that can be programmed.
But I know one thing is for sure though. If we parents sincerely bring our children up in the right way our efforts will not totally be in vain.
And I have found these tips helpful.
Source : Parents Talk
Step #1
Teach through actions
“Do as I say, not as I do” sounds like a fun idea, but as a parenting tool it rarely (if ever) works. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Just as children learn to talk by listening to us talk, they learn how to treat others by following our lead. Watch how you treat, not only your kids, but other people you come in contact with during your day. What are you teaching your kids? Teach more than just manners.
When we teach our children manners we must also discuss the not-so-obvious details. Such as looking someone in the eye, using a polite tone of voice, and using real words (such as “yes” instead of “uh huh!”) These are not things our kids are born knowing. We need to teach these important facets of good manners.
Step #2
Be firm but fair
Letting kids get away with bad behavior only breeds more of the same. Make sure your kids know the rules of the family and that you discipline appropriately when rules are broken.
Firm and fair discipline is not haphazard and does not change depending on your mood. It requires a consistency that your kids can count on. (They may not like it, but they can count on it!) I’ve heard it said that it’s not the severity of a consequence that makes it effective, but the certainty of it. When your kids know exactly what your expectations are, and that there will be a penalty for failing to meet those expectations, they will more likely behave in an appropriate manner.
Step #3
Praise good behavior
Your praise and encouragement have a tremendous impact on your child. “Praise” messages are not all verbal, either. An OK hand signal, a wink, a smile, a hug. All these speak volumes to a child who has just done something right. These positive messages reinforce a child’s goodness, and encourage more of the same positive behavior.
Here's the article on 6 steps to manage anger by THERESE J. BORCHARD:
1. Stop.
As you sense your control slipping–STOP. If you are in the middle of a sentence–STOP–don’t even finish your thought, except perhaps to say, “I’m getting mad!” If you are moving–STOP moving. Practice a STOP gesture that can be used as a way to put a physical brake on your emotions. A good STOP gesture is to hold your hands up in front of your face, fingers straight up, palms out. Push the anger away from you, and at the same time say the word STOP.
What if you are so angry at your child that you are ready to strike him and you cannot find the restraint to use your STOP gesture? In that case, channel your physical reaction into a burst of applause. When you feel yourself about to strike, clap your hands. Clap them hard and fast, while you express your feelings of anger.
This anger management technique of acknowledging anger and stopping yourself can be used for all problems. It can be effective with everything from minor irritations that bring irrational anger to major problems that require a clear head to solve.
2. Give yourself space.
When you are angry, the LAST thing you need to do is stay engaged in the situation that is making you mad–all that does is escalate your anger. It is critically important that at this point you do NOT try to deal with the situation that is making you angry. You cannot solve a problem in a fit of anger; it will likely just escalate the situation or create a new layer of problems to deal with. You are going to step away from your child so that you can calm and collect yourself and, very likely, allow your child to calm down a bit, too.
3. Breathe deeply.
Begin by controlling your internal, physical responses to anger. Likely your heart rate is increased, your breathing is rapid, your face is flushed, or your voice is raised. The first step to inner control is to breathe deeply.
Breathing deeply allows your body to fill with oxygen. This will stop the adrenaline rush that floods your body when you are angry. This extra oxygen flow will relax your body, clam your breathing, slow your heart rate, and allow your brain to resume rational thought.
Take a number of slow, even, deep breaths. Put your hand on your stomach and carry the air down until you feel your stomach rise. Try counting or repeating a calming word or phrase, such as “This too shall pass.”
4. Analyze.
Once you’ve calmed down, try to see what really happened. A good way to analyze what happened is to imagine that it happened to someone else–your sister, your brother, or a friend. Looking at the situation as an outsider might help you see the truth. You might more clearly understand where your anger came from, or you may see that your reaction was way out of proportion.
5. Define the problem.
After you have seen the situation more clearly, it is time to precisely define the problem in exact words. See if you can come up with a description of the problem in one or two sentences. Put it in clear, plain words that exactly state the real issue that sparked your anger.
6. Solve.
Once you’ve stated the problem, you can then consider options for solving it. You may want to jot down several possible options on paper or talk about options with another adult. There’s no reason for you to make decisions in a vacuum. I guarantee that the problem you are dealing with is a common one and there are lots of sources for solutions.
Finally, let’s continually ask for God’s wisdom, so that we’re better equipped too in raising and bringing up our little ones according to His ways.
Because being a parent is never easy, and we can’t be close to being a ‘good parent’ without HIS guidance and mercy.
Parenting is a challenging journey...
As quoted from oureverydaythings.com
When babies are born, we find them all cute and adorable...
Their little coos and gurgles. Their tiny hands holding onto our fingers. Their eyes looking oh so intently into ours. Treasured and sweet moments indeed.
And, all babies grow up. They gradually become more independent. They learn to communicate their wants. And the reality is, from toddlerhood on, when these little ones wish to exert their demands, opinions and quest for independence, things (unfortunately) tend to end up looking and sounding rather far from cute and adorable.
They are capable of screaming, kicking a fuss, throwing toys around in their moments of ‘unhappiness’ and talking back in an unkind manner. To name a few.
Timmy is going through the phase like other preschooler, where his attitudes are often beyond what anyone will regard as respectful. Talking back, ignoring me, pretending not to hear what I said, looking away, sticking tongue out.
Thank goodness it doesn’t happen ‘all the time’, but on a particularly bad day.
I hope that when we as parents give and do their best in teaching their children -
someday, perhaps in ten or twenty or even thirty years down the road - we’ll see the fruits of our efforts.
The lesson learned is that regardless of the parents consistent firm effort - it doesn’t mean the kids will automatically become ‘good’ kids, ie. kids who are always respectful, obedient, helpful, appreciative and kind.
Reasons being, children are sinners too. And they’re not robots that can be programmed.
But I know one thing is for sure though. If we parents sincerely bring our children up in the right way our efforts will not totally be in vain.
And I have found these tips helpful.
Source : Parents Talk
Step #1
Teach through actions
“Do as I say, not as I do” sounds like a fun idea, but as a parenting tool it rarely (if ever) works. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Just as children learn to talk by listening to us talk, they learn how to treat others by following our lead. Watch how you treat, not only your kids, but other people you come in contact with during your day. What are you teaching your kids? Teach more than just manners.
When we teach our children manners we must also discuss the not-so-obvious details. Such as looking someone in the eye, using a polite tone of voice, and using real words (such as “yes” instead of “uh huh!”) These are not things our kids are born knowing. We need to teach these important facets of good manners.
Step #2
Be firm but fair
Letting kids get away with bad behavior only breeds more of the same. Make sure your kids know the rules of the family and that you discipline appropriately when rules are broken.
Firm and fair discipline is not haphazard and does not change depending on your mood. It requires a consistency that your kids can count on. (They may not like it, but they can count on it!) I’ve heard it said that it’s not the severity of a consequence that makes it effective, but the certainty of it. When your kids know exactly what your expectations are, and that there will be a penalty for failing to meet those expectations, they will more likely behave in an appropriate manner.
Step #3
Praise good behavior
Your praise and encouragement have a tremendous impact on your child. “Praise” messages are not all verbal, either. An OK hand signal, a wink, a smile, a hug. All these speak volumes to a child who has just done something right. These positive messages reinforce a child’s goodness, and encourage more of the same positive behavior.
Here's the article on 6 steps to manage anger by THERESE J. BORCHARD:
1. Stop.
As you sense your control slipping–STOP. If you are in the middle of a sentence–STOP–don’t even finish your thought, except perhaps to say, “I’m getting mad!” If you are moving–STOP moving. Practice a STOP gesture that can be used as a way to put a physical brake on your emotions. A good STOP gesture is to hold your hands up in front of your face, fingers straight up, palms out. Push the anger away from you, and at the same time say the word STOP.
What if you are so angry at your child that you are ready to strike him and you cannot find the restraint to use your STOP gesture? In that case, channel your physical reaction into a burst of applause. When you feel yourself about to strike, clap your hands. Clap them hard and fast, while you express your feelings of anger.
This anger management technique of acknowledging anger and stopping yourself can be used for all problems. It can be effective with everything from minor irritations that bring irrational anger to major problems that require a clear head to solve.
2. Give yourself space.
When you are angry, the LAST thing you need to do is stay engaged in the situation that is making you mad–all that does is escalate your anger. It is critically important that at this point you do NOT try to deal with the situation that is making you angry. You cannot solve a problem in a fit of anger; it will likely just escalate the situation or create a new layer of problems to deal with. You are going to step away from your child so that you can calm and collect yourself and, very likely, allow your child to calm down a bit, too.
3. Breathe deeply.
Begin by controlling your internal, physical responses to anger. Likely your heart rate is increased, your breathing is rapid, your face is flushed, or your voice is raised. The first step to inner control is to breathe deeply.
Breathing deeply allows your body to fill with oxygen. This will stop the adrenaline rush that floods your body when you are angry. This extra oxygen flow will relax your body, clam your breathing, slow your heart rate, and allow your brain to resume rational thought.
Take a number of slow, even, deep breaths. Put your hand on your stomach and carry the air down until you feel your stomach rise. Try counting or repeating a calming word or phrase, such as “This too shall pass.”
4. Analyze.
Once you’ve calmed down, try to see what really happened. A good way to analyze what happened is to imagine that it happened to someone else–your sister, your brother, or a friend. Looking at the situation as an outsider might help you see the truth. You might more clearly understand where your anger came from, or you may see that your reaction was way out of proportion.
5. Define the problem.
After you have seen the situation more clearly, it is time to precisely define the problem in exact words. See if you can come up with a description of the problem in one or two sentences. Put it in clear, plain words that exactly state the real issue that sparked your anger.
6. Solve.
Once you’ve stated the problem, you can then consider options for solving it. You may want to jot down several possible options on paper or talk about options with another adult. There’s no reason for you to make decisions in a vacuum. I guarantee that the problem you are dealing with is a common one and there are lots of sources for solutions.
Finally, let’s continually ask for God’s wisdom, so that we’re better equipped too in raising and bringing up our little ones according to His ways.
Because being a parent is never easy, and we can’t be close to being a ‘good parent’ without HIS guidance and mercy.
16 January 2011
Had Fun Today!
I enjoyed my day today with Timmy.
The day started with us going to the wet market together.
Benny went to Singapore for his business trip today.
On the way back from the airport, when I wasn't sure of the way,
I asked him: Tim, is this the right way?
Tim: Yes Mom. I remember seeing the paddy field. It's the right way. :)
He's my navigator. hehehehehe...
After dropping Benny off to the airport, we went to the 'bengkel' to fix our car window. Finally got it done!
Then we watched "Sammy's Adventure". Snuggled up together.
In the afternoon, I had a headache and told Timmy about it.
Me: Tim, Mama is having a headache.
Tim: I know Mom, why don't you drink your Multivitamin and then drink lots of water. Then eat 1 pringles and drink water again. OK Mom?
Me: Laughing out loud. OK Dokter Timmy.
Tim: hahahahaha...
Me: Ok. It's done Dokter. Are you gonna check me up now? With your pretend Stetoskop? Then check my eyes and ears?
He then put his ear next to my chest to hear my hearbeat with his fingers next to his ear, pretending that it is stetoskop. Followed by the chinese shinshe method of 3 fingers (index finger, middle finger and ring finger) testing my heartbeat on my wrist. It made me laugh...
We then did a little bit of homework.
Having done that, Timmy played this K'nex rocket.
Tim: "Do you wanna play with me Mom? Let's play downstairs. I want to see how high can this rocket go.
We had fun laughing seeing how high the rocket went.
Timmy went back and forth, up and down getting the rocket.
Then we played Lego. He made this 'duck', while I made the 'tiger'.
Towards later in the afternoon, we headed off to the park, where we played swing and slide. We ran together over the hill on the grass...
Tim: Come on Mom. Let's run from here. We run together Ok?
Me: Ready, Steady, Go.
Timmy ran back and forth. With my headache, I didn't feel like running that fast. So most of the time he won. With each run, he pretended that he was different type of car.
We had a good laugh and good time...
By the time we were done, we walked hand in hand back home...
The day started with us going to the wet market together.
Benny went to Singapore for his business trip today.
On the way back from the airport, when I wasn't sure of the way,
I asked him: Tim, is this the right way?
Tim: Yes Mom. I remember seeing the paddy field. It's the right way. :)
He's my navigator. hehehehehe...
After dropping Benny off to the airport, we went to the 'bengkel' to fix our car window. Finally got it done!
Then we watched "Sammy's Adventure". Snuggled up together.
In the afternoon, I had a headache and told Timmy about it.
Me: Tim, Mama is having a headache.
Tim: I know Mom, why don't you drink your Multivitamin and then drink lots of water. Then eat 1 pringles and drink water again. OK Mom?
Me: Laughing out loud. OK Dokter Timmy.
Tim: hahahahaha...
Me: Ok. It's done Dokter. Are you gonna check me up now? With your pretend Stetoskop? Then check my eyes and ears?
He then put his ear next to my chest to hear my hearbeat with his fingers next to his ear, pretending that it is stetoskop. Followed by the chinese shinshe method of 3 fingers (index finger, middle finger and ring finger) testing my heartbeat on my wrist. It made me laugh...
We then did a little bit of homework.
Having done that, Timmy played this K'nex rocket.
Tim: "Do you wanna play with me Mom? Let's play downstairs. I want to see how high can this rocket go.
We had fun laughing seeing how high the rocket went.
Timmy went back and forth, up and down getting the rocket.
Then we played Lego. He made this 'duck', while I made the 'tiger'.
Towards later in the afternoon, we headed off to the park, where we played swing and slide. We ran together over the hill on the grass...
Tim: Come on Mom. Let's run from here. We run together Ok?
Me: Ready, Steady, Go.
Timmy ran back and forth. With my headache, I didn't feel like running that fast. So most of the time he won. With each run, he pretended that he was different type of car.
We had a good laugh and good time...
By the time we were done, we walked hand in hand back home...
13 January 2011
Puzzle ~ Play Time
Christmas Card
One sunny afternoon during our national holiday, on the 7th December 2010,
Timmy and I made Christmas Card together...
While I was flipping through my old card, I found this card with the big chicken on it. Since he's a big fan of chicken, I thought that it would be nice to make a card for him. :) (I like how the chicken seems to say "Hi" in the picture. hehehe).

To my surprise, he wrote something in return. :)
"Dear Mama, my Good Mama.
Happy Christmas
I Love You
Please help nicely ok?
I Love You.
From Timmy
To Mama 7-12-2010
Merry Christmas"
Ah....thank you Timmy.
Timmy and I made Christmas Card together...
While I was flipping through my old card, I found this card with the big chicken on it. Since he's a big fan of chicken, I thought that it would be nice to make a card for him. :) (I like how the chicken seems to say "Hi" in the picture. hehehe).

To my surprise, he wrote something in return. :)
"Dear Mama, my Good Mama.
Happy Christmas
I Love You
Please help nicely ok?
I Love You.
From Timmy
To Mama 7-12-2010
Merry Christmas"
Ah....thank you Timmy.

10 January 2011
Christmas Gift
Timmy's school held Christmas celebration after the school holiday.
The parents were asked to buy gift of their choice for their kids, wrap it and submit it to school. Santa would then distribute it to the kids.
We thought of buying a toy car for Timmy, since he's so into cars now.
So we went to the toy store, asked him which one would he prefer and asked him to make a wish. Didn't buy it when he was there. Timmy chose an orange Lamborghini Gallardo.
I then took Timmy out of the store while Benny made the purchase.
It was suppose to be a surprise for him.
Benny has specially wrapped it in double black plastic, put it in empty seat.
We wanted Timmy to learn how to wait...to have hope... for wishes to come true...
Apparently he found out!
Oh boy...oh boy! hahahaha...
His face was so delighted when he found it.
Timmy: Hah? Gallardo? Wow...Kok bisa? Yippeee...
Oh...the secret is no longer a secret. Hahahaha..
I thought might as well wrap it together with him.
Tim: Why do you wrap it Mom? Who is it for?
Me: For you.
Tim: For me? Then why do you wrap it?
Me: Because this suppose to be a Christmas gift that we should submit to school. The school will then give it to Santa, then Santa will give it to you.
Tim: Hah? So complicated. Might as well give it to me now....
(Hahahahaha.... I like his logic).
Me: Is that what you want?
Tim: Yes.
Me: But, if you get it now, and if your friends get presents from Santa, you won't get any. Are you sure you want it that way?
Tim: No.
Me: Ok. If that's the case, then let's wrap it and submit it to school. You'll get it on the 7th of January 2011. You'll have to wait for a few days.
Tim: OK Mom.
We ended up wrapping it together. Timmy helped me to cut the sticky tape, cut the wrapping paper. :) In the end, we had fun as well.
Timmy told his other cars, "Mazda RX-8, you will have new friend, Lamborghini Gallardo, but we need to wrap it first. Give it to school and Santa will give it to me. I'll see Gallardo again on the 7th January."
On the THE day, he was excited to go to school.
And by the time we picked him up, the wrapping was gone! Hahahaha...
The parents were asked to buy gift of their choice for their kids, wrap it and submit it to school. Santa would then distribute it to the kids.
We thought of buying a toy car for Timmy, since he's so into cars now.
So we went to the toy store, asked him which one would he prefer and asked him to make a wish. Didn't buy it when he was there. Timmy chose an orange Lamborghini Gallardo.
I then took Timmy out of the store while Benny made the purchase.
It was suppose to be a surprise for him.
Benny has specially wrapped it in double black plastic, put it in empty seat.
We wanted Timmy to learn how to wait...to have hope... for wishes to come true...
Apparently he found out!
Oh boy...oh boy! hahahaha...
His face was so delighted when he found it.
Timmy: Hah? Gallardo? Wow...Kok bisa? Yippeee...
Oh...the secret is no longer a secret. Hahahaha..
I thought might as well wrap it together with him.
Tim: Why do you wrap it Mom? Who is it for?
Me: For you.
Tim: For me? Then why do you wrap it?
Me: Because this suppose to be a Christmas gift that we should submit to school. The school will then give it to Santa, then Santa will give it to you.
Tim: Hah? So complicated. Might as well give it to me now....
(Hahahahaha.... I like his logic).
Me: Is that what you want?
Tim: Yes.
Me: But, if you get it now, and if your friends get presents from Santa, you won't get any. Are you sure you want it that way?
Tim: No.
Me: Ok. If that's the case, then let's wrap it and submit it to school. You'll get it on the 7th of January 2011. You'll have to wait for a few days.
Tim: OK Mom.
We ended up wrapping it together. Timmy helped me to cut the sticky tape, cut the wrapping paper. :) In the end, we had fun as well.
Timmy told his other cars, "Mazda RX-8, you will have new friend, Lamborghini Gallardo, but we need to wrap it first. Give it to school and Santa will give it to me. I'll see Gallardo again on the 7th January."
On the THE day, he was excited to go to school.
And by the time we picked him up, the wrapping was gone! Hahahaha...
06 January 2011
Dream about it.
Today, Timmy and I played cutting the newspaper article and created our own story.

He then came across to the paint booklet with lots of different colors and started cutting the colors.
Tim: Which color do you like Mom?
Me: I like this orange.
Timmy then continued on cutting the range of colors and I did my cutting as well.
As I was doing it, he came up to me and said: "Mom, here's red for you. You can dream about it."
Me: Dream about red color?
Tim: Yes... hahahahaha...

He then came across to the paint booklet with lots of different colors and started cutting the colors.
Tim: Which color do you like Mom?
Me: I like this orange.
Timmy then continued on cutting the range of colors and I did my cutting as well.
As I was doing it, he came up to me and said: "Mom, here's red for you. You can dream about it."
Me: Dream about red color?
Tim: Yes... hahahahaha...
Making cookies together.
How would you feel?
The other day, Benny was driving and I was sitting beside him.
Timmy sat at the back of the car and he requested to sit with me.
It has been a while that Timmy requested that I sit with him at the back, while Benny was driving.
This time, we decided that he should learn to take turns.
The following conversation occurred:
Tim: Mom I want to sit with you.
Me: Tim, we take turns ok. Sometimes Mama sits at the back with you, sometimes Mama sits at the front with Papa.
Tim: But Mom, I like you best. I wanna be with you.
Me: No Tim, this time Mama sits at the front. Next time, I will sit with you at the back.
Tim: Oh..
Me: How would you feel if you were driving and both Mama and Papa sit at the back, leaving you alone at the front?
Tim: Sad.
Me: So, Papa would be sad too if Mama sits at the back with you leaving him at the front alone. We take turns ok.
Timmy was quiet for a while, then he came up with the following:
Tim: Dad, how would you feel if you want to be with Mommy and I said No?
Dad: Sad.
Tim: So, I'm sad too when I want to be with Mommy and you said No.
(I was about to laugh out loud when he came up with that arguments. It was hard to held my laugh. I was surprised.)
Timmy sat at the back of the car and he requested to sit with me.
It has been a while that Timmy requested that I sit with him at the back, while Benny was driving.
This time, we decided that he should learn to take turns.
The following conversation occurred:
Tim: Mom I want to sit with you.
Me: Tim, we take turns ok. Sometimes Mama sits at the back with you, sometimes Mama sits at the front with Papa.
Tim: But Mom, I like you best. I wanna be with you.
Me: No Tim, this time Mama sits at the front. Next time, I will sit with you at the back.
Tim: Oh..
Me: How would you feel if you were driving and both Mama and Papa sit at the back, leaving you alone at the front?
Tim: Sad.
Me: So, Papa would be sad too if Mama sits at the back with you leaving him at the front alone. We take turns ok.
Timmy was quiet for a while, then he came up with the following:
Tim: Dad, how would you feel if you want to be with Mommy and I said No?
Dad: Sad.
Tim: So, I'm sad too when I want to be with Mommy and you said No.
(I was about to laugh out loud when he came up with that arguments. It was hard to held my laugh. I was surprised.)
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