Previously we asked him whether he would like to have a bike? And he said no.
But being around in the neighborhood, Timmy saw lots of other kids riding bikes. Perhaps that triggers his interest.
Last week, my aunt handed me down my cousin's bike.
In the afternoon, Timmy asked me very nicely whether can we go to the bike store to fix the bike? And we did.
Here are the photos when we were in the bike shop.

He noticed the digital scale which was hang high up above....pushed the chair right underneath it, climbed up, found the power button and started to test his pulling power...which was 9 kg. :)
Then he asked Benny and I to try to pull as well... :) hehehehe...
After the bike was fixed, he tried to ride on it at the store.

By the time we arrived our driveway, he tried it out straight away, didn't even get into the house anymore. Benny taught him how to get on the bike, how to press the brake, how to pedal....
At first, he always tried to pedal backwards...
But after a while, he got the hang of it!
He started to speed!
Even at the hilly area, he could speed already.
At first, I could walk beside him... walk...
Then I gotta run to keep up with him...
And then sprint!
On the first day!
Here's the video of Timmy's first bike ride:
In the beginning, he asked to go around the block for 3 times,
then another 3 times, then go further away towards the lake and around the neighborhood, then go around the blocks again.... I think in total, it would have been more than 10 times around the block.
Benny and I were running out of breath trying to catch up with him. hehehehe...
I was amazed actually that he could learn this fast.
Because when I was a girl, I was so scared to ride a bike...
I could only ride a bike when I was in Primary 4.
While Benny was sure that once Timmy got the hang of it, this boy will speed!
Boy he was right! Benny just wasn't sure whether Timmy would want to sit on the saddle on the first time. But as Timmy sat on the saddle at the bike store, Benny was certain that this boy will speed. hehehehe.....I guess man knows boy better. hahahaha...
And oh, Timmy did fall down today.
It was at the ramp, and Timmy was speeding...
He didn't press the brake...and hit the side of the road and fell down.
Cried a bit.....shocked....Benny asked him which part hurt? Here...pointed to his chin...grin..and smiled...and got up on his bike again and up and running!
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