He is 9 years and 4 months today.
When I picked him up from school today, I had a surprise.
He was waiting for me at the gate.
When he saw me, he ran to me with a big smile, and showed me his teeth that is in his mouth.
The wiggly waggly teeth has fell off. :)
This time it was the wisdom tooth.
Even the dentist said that Timmy's teeth changes and grows at a faster speed than his peers.
For the past months he has been changing 5 teeth, at nearly the same time.

He grew his baby teeth when he was 4 months old.
At that time, I was still breast feeding him, and he bit on the nipple. Ouch!
I started to recognize his sign before he bit the next time I breast-fed him. Ha!
Well those days of motherhood is in the past.
Now, I witness my sister in law breast-feeding hers.
She is in the sleepless night state.
Me...I'm in the character moulding state. :)
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