06 May 2012

What Happened at School.

Timmy and his classmates had to stand in front of the class to read a poem.
And he told me about what happened at school that day.

Here's what happened:
His friend came up to Timmy's table and the following conversations occurred:

The original conversation was in Indonesian.
His friend: "Tim, kenapa kamu ngga tepuk tangan setelah aku selesai baca puisi?"
Timmy: "Emangnya harus?"
His friend: "Harus."
Timmy: "Terserah aku dong, mau tepuk tangan atau ngga."
His friend: "Kamu mau, aku ngga temen sama kamu lagi?"
Timmy: "Ngga masalah. Aku masih bisa main sama Jonathan. Kadang Jonathan main sama aku, kadang Jonathan main sama yang lain. Ngga masalah."
His friend: "Awas ya kamu ya."
Timmy: "Kenapa? Kamu lebih tinggi dari aku...iya... Kamu baris ke 12 tinggi dari depan, aku ke 7 tinggi. Ya aku percaya kalau kamu lebih tinggi dari aku.  Tapi kamu belum tentu lebih kuat dari aku. Aku tahu kekuatan kamu seberapa, kekuatan aku seberapa."

Then his friend went back to his seat with an angry look on his face and looked back at Timmy once he sat down on his seat. While Timmy just stayed calm and sit on his chair.

I asked Timmy what did the teacher say? Timmy told me that it happened when there was no teacher in class.  Jacqueline teacher just went out from the class for a while, and the other teacher was teaching in another class.

Here's the English version:
His friend (came up to Timmy's table and said): "Tim, why didn't you clap your hands after I finished reading my poem?"

Timmy: "Why? Is it a must?"
His friend: "Yes, it is a must."
Timmy: "It's up to me, whether I want to clap or not."
His friend: "Do you want it, if I'm not friends with you anymore?"
Timmy: "It doesn't matter. I can still play with Jonathan. Sometimes Jonathan plays with me, sometimes Jonathan plays with somebody else. It's OK."
His friend: "You better watch out."
Timmy: "Why? Yes, you are taller than me. When you lined up, you are the 12th, I'm the 7th. Of course you are taller than me. But you may not be stronger than me. I know how much your strength and how much is my strength."

Then his friend went back to his seat with an angry look on his face and looked back at Timmy once he sat down on his seat. While Timmy just stayed calm and sit on his chair.

I was amazed at what happened. Because Timmy's character is totally the opposite of mine.
I would have imagined if that happened to me, perhaps this would be what happened:
His friend: "Len, why didn't you clap your hands after I finished reading my poem?"
Me: "Oh, I didn't? Sorry. Here's a clap for you. I might then clap my hand in front of him.
His friend: "Do you want it, if I'm not friends with you anymore?"
Me: "Oh no, please don't."

Note to Timmy:
Timmy, I'm proud of you that you can stand up for yourself.
I like the way you diplomatically talked to your friend about issues.
Love you Tim.



  1. wah keren si Timmy... so assertive! keep it up!

    1. Thank you Sil. Gua aja kaget dia jawab kayak gitu.
