Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, is the game that Timmy likes to play these days.
Both father and son could sit in front of the computer and play together.
I don't understand a single thing about what they talk about. :)
"Put-put, Spike, Jammer, EMP."
Well, I guess it's the boy thing. Hahahaha....
When Benny plays, Timmy becomes the co-driver.
I like to see their happy, smiley faces.
Apparently, the game really inspires Timmy.
This is what he drew lately.
The cars are on the spikes! Which supposed to make the tyre flat.
Therefore, when I asked Timmy to play "When I have a circle...." Timmy changed it into "When I have a triangle, I can draw spikes!" Hehehehe...
Here's another father and son bonding time, when Timmy helped Papa to fix the laptop.
Dear Papa,
Thank you for taking time to play with Timmy.
Timmy has such a special bond with you.
We love our time with you,
especially when it involves so many giggles, tickles, games and fun!
You are a great Dad!
Thank you for always encouraging us to keep on
believing, improving ourselves.
Thank you for helping us to believe in ourselves and our dreams.
Most importantly, thank you for loving us Daddy.
We love you Papa!