We went to Holly Hill yesterday. There was a duck pool, Timmy had fun watching the ducks swimming. We saw a family with their dogs. The dogs were smart, it could ran into the water and catch the twig!
26 September 2009
Blue Pool
The Blue Pool....
We discovered the luxury of silence and a friendly welcome at the Blue Pool.
The water changes its color minute to minute from shades of green to beautiful turquoise - a truly fascinating phenomenon. Set like a jewel in a forest...
Blue Pool is surrounded by 25 acres of heath, woodland and interlaced with sandy paths.... Seems like taking us to another world....
A tranquil oasis within a holiday schedule.
The pool isn't always the same colour, depending on the weather and temperature.
Sometimes green, sometimes turquoise.

After visiting the Lullworth Cove, we went to the Blue Pool.
Back to Nature time! Yippee!
Timmy and Cynthia played at the playground there.
We discovered the luxury of silence and a friendly welcome at the Blue Pool.
The water changes its color minute to minute from shades of green to beautiful turquoise - a truly fascinating phenomenon. Set like a jewel in a forest...
Blue Pool is surrounded by 25 acres of heath, woodland and interlaced with sandy paths.... Seems like taking us to another world....
A tranquil oasis within a holiday schedule.
The pool isn't always the same colour, depending on the weather and temperature.
Sometimes green, sometimes turquoise.
After visiting the Lullworth Cove, we went to the Blue Pool.
Back to Nature time! Yippee!
Timmy and Cynthia played at the playground there.
Jurrasic Coast
Jurrasic Coast is England's first natural World Heritage Site.
This unique stretch of coastline has joined the ranks of the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon as one of the wonders of the natural world.
The Jurrasic Coast is stunningly beautiful, with and unparalleled range of natural features. Landslides, beaches, bays and cliffs...
Explore Jurrasic Coast!

Last week, we visited Jurrasic Coast at Lulworth.
It was the coast where they found lots of fossil.
Today, it is a nice cove beach.
Lulworth is famous for its unique and dramatic natural features, such as the Cove and Durdle Door.
We had lunch at a restaurant near the Lullworth Castle.
Timmy and Cynthia were playing the slide at the backyard playground of the restaurant.
Lulworth Castle is the traditional seat of the Weld family and is situated in the picturesque village of East Lulworth.
After lunch, we headed to Lullworth Cove.
The view there is excellent.
We bought ice cream there.
Timmy and Cynthia took turn in feeding each other with their ice cream.
While eating ice cream, we ran up the hill.
I told the kids: "Come on kids, let's run up the hill like Jack and Jill."
There was an English couple who was lying down on the grass.
The moment I said that, the lady sing the rhyme:
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
to fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
and Jill come tumbling after...
This unique stretch of coastline has joined the ranks of the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon as one of the wonders of the natural world.
The Jurrasic Coast is stunningly beautiful, with and unparalleled range of natural features. Landslides, beaches, bays and cliffs...
Explore Jurrasic Coast!
Last week, we visited Jurrasic Coast at Lulworth.
It was the coast where they found lots of fossil.
Today, it is a nice cove beach.
Lulworth is famous for its unique and dramatic natural features, such as the Cove and Durdle Door.
We had lunch at a restaurant near the Lullworth Castle.
Timmy and Cynthia were playing the slide at the backyard playground of the restaurant.
Lulworth Castle is the traditional seat of the Weld family and is situated in the picturesque village of East Lulworth.
After lunch, we headed to Lullworth Cove.
The view there is excellent.
We bought ice cream there.
Timmy and Cynthia took turn in feeding each other with their ice cream.
While eating ice cream, we ran up the hill.
I told the kids: "Come on kids, let's run up the hill like Jack and Jill."
There was an English couple who was lying down on the grass.
The moment I said that, the lady sing the rhyme:
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
to fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
and Jill come tumbling after...
Moore Crescent
Video of us at Singapore Changi Airport
We had fun at Singapore Changi Airport. Due to the short transit time, we were picked up by the special airport car to be transferred to Terminal 3 at Changi. Have a look at the video.
20 September 2009
Car Boot Sale
It's Sunday today and we went to Car Boot Sale.
Wow! It's shopping heaven! Plenty of things are available for sale.
Toys, books, bags, shoes, clothes, food, photo frame.
Timmy bought plenty of story books, toys, fun money bank, pretend cashier toy...
Lego, learning clock game and a frame with mother chicken and the chic.
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Wow! It's shopping heaven! Plenty of things are available for sale.
Toys, books, bags, shoes, clothes, food, photo frame.
Timmy bought plenty of story books, toys, fun money bank, pretend cashier toy...
Lego, learning clock game and a frame with mother chicken and the chic.
Fun! Fun! Fun!
16 September 2009
We arrived London Heatrow airport, UK, last night.
Boarded Singapore Airlines with Airbus A380. The largest aircraft in the world. Nice flight with larger seat and space. Lots of in-flight entertainment too. I had movie marathon. hehehehhe...
Watched "The Proposal", "Angel and Demon", " State of Play". Timmy enjoyed playing the Kids game and watched Barney. He got the stickers from the stewardess too.
It was a long flight, 16 hours flight from airport to airport, including transit.
During transit at Changi Airport Singapore, we were being picked up with the airport car. Interesting experience to be in that airport car. A UK couple was with us in the same car. Timmy was so excited! We were picked up due to the short transit time. Arrived at Terminal 2 and had to transit to Terminal 3. Then rode the sky train to Terminal 3.
In the aircraft, Timmy got Kids Meal. Burger with cheese, raisins, biscuit, candy and ice cream. Yum!
Boarded Singapore Airlines with Airbus A380. The largest aircraft in the world. Nice flight with larger seat and space. Lots of in-flight entertainment too. I had movie marathon. hehehehhe...
Watched "The Proposal", "Angel and Demon", " State of Play". Timmy enjoyed playing the Kids game and watched Barney. He got the stickers from the stewardess too.
It was a long flight, 16 hours flight from airport to airport, including transit.
During transit at Changi Airport Singapore, we were being picked up with the airport car. Interesting experience to be in that airport car. A UK couple was with us in the same car. Timmy was so excited! We were picked up due to the short transit time. Arrived at Terminal 2 and had to transit to Terminal 3. Then rode the sky train to Terminal 3.
In the aircraft, Timmy got Kids Meal. Burger with cheese, raisins, biscuit, candy and ice cream. Yum!
13 September 2009
The story of Timmy's Birth
It was 1 November 2005 morning...
Lebaran was just around the corner, so the maids have gone back to their hometown.
My mom and dad were at China at that time.
Benny's mum was in Intensive Care Unit.
That morning I just took my maternity leave from the office.
The day before, my colleagues were saying:
Mbak Asih: "Len, kok belom cuti? Perutmu itu sudah besar sekali."
Merry: "Cici, kok masih di kantor? Aduh...aku serem lihat perut cici, kayak udah mau meletus. Gede banget!"
I gained 16 kgs during my pregnancy, and Benny was saying that I looked just normal from the back view. But side view, woooow! Mancung ke depan. hahahahaha...
So that morning, Benny and I were walking at Kelapa Gading Sports Club.
I told Benny that my tummy hurts.
He even asked me whether I have gone to the toilet? hahahahaha.
I told him: "It feels different."
But I thought it was the false contraction. So, we keep walking and after I take some deep breath, it disappear.
We went back to our house and took the dry clothes from the lines and cleaned the house. Then went to my parents house to clean the yard from dry leaves...
From there we visited Benny's Mom at the hospital.
In the afternoon around 3 pm, when I wanted to take a nap, it hurts again.
Hence couldn't sleep.
Around 7 pm, it was the schedule for Doctor check up.
I told the Doctor about the contraction.
The Doctor said: "Timmy's head was in the birth way already.
But usually for 1st birth, it's not this quick. See you next week."
The pregnancy was 38 weeks and few days.
The Doctor predicted the birth will be on the 40th week of pregnancy.
So, Timmy was predicted to be born on 14 November 2005.
My parents changed their itenary to be back on 6th November.
After the check up, we visited Benny's Mum again at the hospital.
I waited downstairs. Benny's sister was saying: "Kok eloe belom lahiran sih?
Bush bush...besok lahiran lho!" Jokingly.
That night I wanted to sleep, around 10 pm, and felt the contraction again.
Benny said:"I wanted to sleep, but when you feel it hurts you tell me."
Every time it hurts, I told Benny and he wrote it down.
After a while, he noticed that the contraction is every 3 minutes!
"Len, this is not false contraction. I think we better go to the hospital."
I told him: "At this hour of the day? Shall we wait till tomorrow morning around 6am?
Benny said: "Ntar lahiran di Panther lho!" hahahahahaha..
So, we went to the hospital that night. Luckily I have got my bags ready packed to go. On the way there, I still felt the contraction. Took a deep breath in...deep breath out.... deep breath in...deep breath out....
As we arrived at the Medika Griya hospital, the nurse checked the level of the contraction. She said: "Ini Mamanya masih cantik, masih bisa senyum senyum.
Contractionnya ok, tapi sepertinya belum. Ibu masih boleh pulang dulu, nanti kesini lagi. Tapi sebelumnya kita check dalem dulu ya Bu."
When she checked, it was 5th or 6th opening!
The nurse said: "Ibu, gak boleh pulang. Ibu pilih kamar ya..."
Benny and I choose the room, and the birth process continues.
I felt as if Mother Mary was there with me.
Each time it hurts, I took deep breath in and deep breath out.
I was holding Benny's hand.
The technique from senam hamil really helps.
The contractions gets longer and longer.
If previously I took few deep breath and it disappear, now I gotta took lots more.
Luckily the nurse are very kind there.
They took turn massaging my back each time the contraction happened.
It helps a lot.
The nurse said: "Tahan ya Bu, jangan ngeden dulu."
Throughout the birth process, the nurse keep in touch with the Doctor.
The doctor arrived around dawn.
When the birth way is completely open, the nurse said: "Iya Bu, boleh ngeden."
At that moment, I forgot how to ngeden, since I have been holding it for so long."
hehehehehe... "Push, said the doctor." I was pushing...
Doctor: "Ayo...rambutnya sudah kelihatan."
the doctor said: "Tanpa bersuara, jadi bertenaga".
Second push and Timmy's head was out.
Benny was excited..."Ayo Len, ngeden lagi."
The doctor wanted to pull the head out "Lho, kok keras?"
Apparently it was because I was still pushing. Following Benny's instruction. hehehehehe...
Doctor said: "Relax..." The I relax and he pulled the baby out.
Timmy was born! Our bundle of joy has arrived!
After the doctor cleaned Timmy's nose, Timmy cried
The nurse put him on my chest, he stopped crying.
After a while, Timmy was taken to be cleaned.
I didn't feel anything when the doctor sew the birth way.
Timmy weigh: 3.3 kg and length: 50 cm.
That was the story of Timmy's birth.
Naturally born, without epidural.
Thank you God! :)
Lebaran was just around the corner, so the maids have gone back to their hometown.
My mom and dad were at China at that time.
Benny's mum was in Intensive Care Unit.
That morning I just took my maternity leave from the office.
The day before, my colleagues were saying:
Mbak Asih: "Len, kok belom cuti? Perutmu itu sudah besar sekali."
Merry: "Cici, kok masih di kantor? Aduh...aku serem lihat perut cici, kayak udah mau meletus. Gede banget!"
I gained 16 kgs during my pregnancy, and Benny was saying that I looked just normal from the back view. But side view, woooow! Mancung ke depan. hahahahaha...
So that morning, Benny and I were walking at Kelapa Gading Sports Club.
I told Benny that my tummy hurts.
He even asked me whether I have gone to the toilet? hahahahaha.
I told him: "It feels different."
But I thought it was the false contraction. So, we keep walking and after I take some deep breath, it disappear.
We went back to our house and took the dry clothes from the lines and cleaned the house. Then went to my parents house to clean the yard from dry leaves...
From there we visited Benny's Mom at the hospital.
In the afternoon around 3 pm, when I wanted to take a nap, it hurts again.
Hence couldn't sleep.
Around 7 pm, it was the schedule for Doctor check up.
I told the Doctor about the contraction.
The Doctor said: "Timmy's head was in the birth way already.
But usually for 1st birth, it's not this quick. See you next week."
The pregnancy was 38 weeks and few days.
The Doctor predicted the birth will be on the 40th week of pregnancy.
So, Timmy was predicted to be born on 14 November 2005.
My parents changed their itenary to be back on 6th November.
After the check up, we visited Benny's Mum again at the hospital.
I waited downstairs. Benny's sister was saying: "Kok eloe belom lahiran sih?
Bush bush...besok lahiran lho!" Jokingly.
That night I wanted to sleep, around 10 pm, and felt the contraction again.
Benny said:"I wanted to sleep, but when you feel it hurts you tell me."
Every time it hurts, I told Benny and he wrote it down.
After a while, he noticed that the contraction is every 3 minutes!
"Len, this is not false contraction. I think we better go to the hospital."
I told him: "At this hour of the day? Shall we wait till tomorrow morning around 6am?
Benny said: "Ntar lahiran di Panther lho!" hahahahahaha..
So, we went to the hospital that night. Luckily I have got my bags ready packed to go. On the way there, I still felt the contraction. Took a deep breath in...deep breath out.... deep breath in...deep breath out....
As we arrived at the Medika Griya hospital, the nurse checked the level of the contraction. She said: "Ini Mamanya masih cantik, masih bisa senyum senyum.
Contractionnya ok, tapi sepertinya belum. Ibu masih boleh pulang dulu, nanti kesini lagi. Tapi sebelumnya kita check dalem dulu ya Bu."
When she checked, it was 5th or 6th opening!
The nurse said: "Ibu, gak boleh pulang. Ibu pilih kamar ya..."
Benny and I choose the room, and the birth process continues.
I felt as if Mother Mary was there with me.
Each time it hurts, I took deep breath in and deep breath out.
I was holding Benny's hand.
The technique from senam hamil really helps.
The contractions gets longer and longer.
If previously I took few deep breath and it disappear, now I gotta took lots more.
Luckily the nurse are very kind there.
They took turn massaging my back each time the contraction happened.
It helps a lot.
The nurse said: "Tahan ya Bu, jangan ngeden dulu."
Throughout the birth process, the nurse keep in touch with the Doctor.
The doctor arrived around dawn.
When the birth way is completely open, the nurse said: "Iya Bu, boleh ngeden."
At that moment, I forgot how to ngeden, since I have been holding it for so long."
hehehehehe... "Push, said the doctor." I was pushing...
Doctor: "Ayo...rambutnya sudah kelihatan."
the doctor said: "Tanpa bersuara, jadi bertenaga".
Second push and Timmy's head was out.
Benny was excited..."Ayo Len, ngeden lagi."
The doctor wanted to pull the head out "Lho, kok keras?"
Apparently it was because I was still pushing. Following Benny's instruction. hehehehehe...
Doctor said: "Relax..." The I relax and he pulled the baby out.
Timmy was born! Our bundle of joy has arrived!
After the doctor cleaned Timmy's nose, Timmy cried
The nurse put him on my chest, he stopped crying.
After a while, Timmy was taken to be cleaned.
I didn't feel anything when the doctor sew the birth way.
Timmy weigh: 3.3 kg and length: 50 cm.
That was the story of Timmy's birth.
Naturally born, without epidural.
Thank you God! :)
12 September 2009
The process of Timmy's Birth
Timmy was supposed to be due on week 40 of my pregnancy, which was around 16 November 2005.
At that time, my mom and dad were on their trip to China. And Benny's mom was in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital. While my maids have gone back for their Lebaran holiday.
My mom and dad had brought forward their return date to 6 November 2010, thinking that by then Timmy wouldn't be due yet.
However, Timmy came out during week 38 and 2 days of pregnancy. Hehehe...
I just took my pregnancy leave from the office the day before on 30 October 2005.
1st November morning, I was going for morning walk with Benny at the Kelapa Gading Sports Club.
During the walk, I felt the contraction and I told Benny about it.
Benny even asked me: "Have you gone to the toilet?"
Me: "No, it's different pain."
Anyway, we kept on walking. I took several deep breath in and deep breath out and the pain disappeared. Prior to this, there have been several false contraction.
After the walk, we went to my parents house to clear out the dried leaves from the drive way and the water pipe.
Then...caming back to our own house and did some clean up, washed the dirty clothes and hung them dry.
Then...we visited Benny's mom at the hospital.
In the afternoon, when I wanted to take a nap, I couldn't, because the pain started coming again... so, double checked the bags for the hospital instead.
Later that night around 7.00 pm, it was our doctor check up schedule.
I told the Doctor about the contraction pain, and the doctor said: "Kepala anaknya memang sudah di jalan lahir. Tapi belum...anak pertama, biasanya gak secepat ini. Sampai ketemu minggu depan."
From there, we visited Benny's Mom again.
At that time, Benny's sister said: "Perut eloe gede amat sih, kok belum lahiran? Besok lahiran lho!"
By the time, we came home, it was already around 9.30-10.00pm.
I was so tired already by then...
Benny said: Gua mau tidur dulu ya. Kalo sakit lagi kasih tau gua.
Me: Ok.
Everytime it felt painful, I told him.
And Benny recorded it, apparently, the contraction pain is already every 3 minutes!
It was around midnight already.
I told Benny, would it be better if we wait till the morning?
Benny said, no. It's better that we go now to the hospital.
So, we went to the hospital that midnight.
By the time we arrived the hospital, the nurse checked the level of contraction and said: "Ini Mamanya masih bisa senyum senyum.... Kalo belum bukaan, besok balik lagi ya."
When the nurse checked the level of opening.
And it was already opening 5-6! Wow! And we were asked to choose the room and I couldn't go home anymore and we went to the delivery room.
Luckily Benny could go in there with me.
And there were 2 nurses who accompanied by alternately.
Wow...by then the pain was unbearable. Luckily God was there with me. :) Thank God.
The delivery was natural without epidural.
By the time the Doctor came, I have forgotten how to push, because I have been holding the pain. hahahaha....With 2 pushes, Timmy was out.
There was a funny story, with 1 push, the doctor could see bits of Timmy's hair.
2nd push, Timmy's head was out and Benny was excited.
When the doctor said, Relax...
Benny told me to push again..
So, when the doctor wanted to pull Timmy out he said: Lho, kok keras? Relax...
Then Benny relayed the message to me: "Len...relax.."
Then the doctor pulled Timmy out.
Timmy was born in the morning, weigh: 3.3 kg, height: 50 cm.
By the time he came out and cried.
However, when they put Timmy on my chest, the cried stopped.
Amazing. He could recognize my heart beat.
Thank you God for Your wonderful Gift for us.
Please guide us always in bringing up Timmy into a responsible, caring adult. Amen.
At that time, my mom and dad were on their trip to China. And Benny's mom was in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital. While my maids have gone back for their Lebaran holiday.
My mom and dad had brought forward their return date to 6 November 2010, thinking that by then Timmy wouldn't be due yet.
However, Timmy came out during week 38 and 2 days of pregnancy. Hehehe...
I just took my pregnancy leave from the office the day before on 30 October 2005.
1st November morning, I was going for morning walk with Benny at the Kelapa Gading Sports Club.
During the walk, I felt the contraction and I told Benny about it.
Benny even asked me: "Have you gone to the toilet?"
Me: "No, it's different pain."
Anyway, we kept on walking. I took several deep breath in and deep breath out and the pain disappeared. Prior to this, there have been several false contraction.
After the walk, we went to my parents house to clear out the dried leaves from the drive way and the water pipe.
Then...caming back to our own house and did some clean up, washed the dirty clothes and hung them dry.
Then...we visited Benny's mom at the hospital.
In the afternoon, when I wanted to take a nap, I couldn't, because the pain started coming again... so, double checked the bags for the hospital instead.
Later that night around 7.00 pm, it was our doctor check up schedule.
I told the Doctor about the contraction pain, and the doctor said: "Kepala anaknya memang sudah di jalan lahir. Tapi belum...anak pertama, biasanya gak secepat ini. Sampai ketemu minggu depan."
From there, we visited Benny's Mom again.
At that time, Benny's sister said: "Perut eloe gede amat sih, kok belum lahiran? Besok lahiran lho!"
By the time, we came home, it was already around 9.30-10.00pm.
I was so tired already by then...
Benny said: Gua mau tidur dulu ya. Kalo sakit lagi kasih tau gua.
Me: Ok.
Everytime it felt painful, I told him.
And Benny recorded it, apparently, the contraction pain is already every 3 minutes!
It was around midnight already.
I told Benny, would it be better if we wait till the morning?
Benny said, no. It's better that we go now to the hospital.
So, we went to the hospital that midnight.
By the time we arrived the hospital, the nurse checked the level of contraction and said: "Ini Mamanya masih bisa senyum senyum.... Kalo belum bukaan, besok balik lagi ya."
When the nurse checked the level of opening.
And it was already opening 5-6! Wow! And we were asked to choose the room and I couldn't go home anymore and we went to the delivery room.
Luckily Benny could go in there with me.
And there were 2 nurses who accompanied by alternately.
Wow...by then the pain was unbearable. Luckily God was there with me. :) Thank God.
The delivery was natural without epidural.
By the time the Doctor came, I have forgotten how to push, because I have been holding the pain. hahahaha....With 2 pushes, Timmy was out.
There was a funny story, with 1 push, the doctor could see bits of Timmy's hair.
2nd push, Timmy's head was out and Benny was excited.
When the doctor said, Relax...
Benny told me to push again..
So, when the doctor wanted to pull Timmy out he said: Lho, kok keras? Relax...
Then Benny relayed the message to me: "Len...relax.."
Then the doctor pulled Timmy out.
Timmy was born in the morning, weigh: 3.3 kg, height: 50 cm.
By the time he came out and cried.
However, when they put Timmy on my chest, the cried stopped.
Amazing. He could recognize my heart beat.
Thank you God for Your wonderful Gift for us.
Please guide us always in bringing up Timmy into a responsible, caring adult. Amen.
10 September 2009
Timmy is enjoying reading this blog
09 September 2009
Ice cream, Mizone and Noodle
The other day, we went to Indomaret at Serpong.
Benny bought 3 icecream, which was meant for his Mom, me and himself.
He thought of sharing the ice cream with Timmy.
But it turns out that Timmy finished up the whole ice cream by himself!
And I share mine with Benny. hehehehehhee...
Benny bought a Mizone for himself and drank half,
Timmy end up gobbled and drank it buttoms up.
That night, we were about to sleep.
As we started our bedtime routine, I went downstairs to get the water to make milk for Timmy. Timmy followed me downstairs.
On the dining table downstairs, there was a plate of Mie Goreng Indomie Telor.
Timmy smelled it and ended up finishing the whole plate of the Indomie Telor.
hehehehehe.... both Timmy and I share it.
I made another plate for Benny.
Benny said: "Aiya....makanan gua hari ini semuanya dihabiskan Timmy." hehehehehe..
Ice cream, Mizone and Indomie Goreng Telor......
Yum! hehehehehe...
Benny bought 3 icecream, which was meant for his Mom, me and himself.
He thought of sharing the ice cream with Timmy.
But it turns out that Timmy finished up the whole ice cream by himself!
And I share mine with Benny. hehehehehhee...
Benny bought a Mizone for himself and drank half,
Timmy end up gobbled and drank it buttoms up.
That night, we were about to sleep.
As we started our bedtime routine, I went downstairs to get the water to make milk for Timmy. Timmy followed me downstairs.
On the dining table downstairs, there was a plate of Mie Goreng Indomie Telor.
Timmy smelled it and ended up finishing the whole plate of the Indomie Telor.
hehehehehe.... both Timmy and I share it.
I made another plate for Benny.
Benny said: "Aiya....makanan gua hari ini semuanya dihabiskan Timmy." hehehehehe..
Ice cream, Mizone and Indomie Goreng Telor......
Yum! hehehehehe...
07 September 2009
Weekend at Bandung
Last Weekend, we visited Bandung with Benny's family.
Tante Baby, Om Kekeng, I Ci Cen, Om Budi, and us.
We stayed in a house, which is owned by one of the leading pharmaceutical manufacture, located at Cipaganti Bandung. Nice house, with 5 big rooms and a big backyard garden.
The agenda was eat and eat and eat. hehehehehe..
First meals was Chinese food at Queen restaurant.
We ordered Babi Hong, Pak Cam Ke Chicken, Fish with Tahu Tauco, Mun Tahu, and Kodok Sayur Asin.
The moment Timmy saw the food, he pointed at Babi Hong.
" I want that one!"
Gee...he likes pork so much. hehehehehehe..
Saturday, the mothers woke up early and went for food hunt! :)
They came back with lots of food: Nasi Kuning, Lontong Oncom, Lontong Tahu, Lontong Babi, Mie.
For lunch, we visited Cafe Bali.
Had a nice lunch there with Rendang, Ayam Goreng Kering, Gado-Gado and Cendil as the snack.
Saturday night dinner, we had Iga Bakar.
The place is just walking distance from where we stayed.
Yum yum, they served the Iga bakar in a hot place, with chili and tomato sauce.
We thought that the food is a bit hot for Timmy, so didn't offer him.
When he saw the food is about to finish, he asked me:
"Mom, do I get to eat?" hehehehehehehe...
He got a piece of the beef and apparently he likes it!
Sunday morning, we had egg for breakfast and some cakes from Prima Rasa.
The siomai in front of Prima Rasa Kamuning taste good.
We bought 20 of them and yum!
With lots of people around, food seems to vanish quickly. hehehehehe..
Towards midday, we went to Jl. Setiabudi, I bought Bagelen in a supermarket
and bought some cute stationary.
Timmy requested for stamp chop and I bought a comb.
From there, we headed to "Clouds 9". Bought 2 large pizza there.
The pizza is good, we ordered the ones with 4 types of cheese toppings and ham.
Yum Yum! The moment we entered the car, Timmy smelled the good food.
He said "Mom, can I open and look?"
His grandma said: "Later at home." hehehehehehe...
Oh, before we went to Clouds 9, we visited "Rumah Sosis".
They sell lots of different types of sosis.
Benny's sister bought 1 sausage, and Timmy ate 3/4 of it.
Timmy was holding her hands closely, didn't let it go, until the sausage is finished. Ci Aunie said: "Anak eloe...busyet deh...rakusnya....tangan gua sampe dipegangin." hahahahahaha...
After the sausage is finished, I was looking at icecream.
They make home made icecream. I had chocolate cookies, Timmy had blueberry.
So that day, Timmy had 3/4 of sausage, 1 cup of icecream and 2 slices of pizza,
with egg and milk in the morning for breakfast. Wow!
Tante Baby, Om Kekeng, I Ci Cen, Om Budi, and us.
We stayed in a house, which is owned by one of the leading pharmaceutical manufacture, located at Cipaganti Bandung. Nice house, with 5 big rooms and a big backyard garden.
The agenda was eat and eat and eat. hehehehehe..
First meals was Chinese food at Queen restaurant.
We ordered Babi Hong, Pak Cam Ke Chicken, Fish with Tahu Tauco, Mun Tahu, and Kodok Sayur Asin.
The moment Timmy saw the food, he pointed at Babi Hong.
" I want that one!"
Gee...he likes pork so much. hehehehehehe..
Saturday, the mothers woke up early and went for food hunt! :)
They came back with lots of food: Nasi Kuning, Lontong Oncom, Lontong Tahu, Lontong Babi, Mie.
For lunch, we visited Cafe Bali.
Had a nice lunch there with Rendang, Ayam Goreng Kering, Gado-Gado and Cendil as the snack.
Saturday night dinner, we had Iga Bakar.
The place is just walking distance from where we stayed.
Yum yum, they served the Iga bakar in a hot place, with chili and tomato sauce.
We thought that the food is a bit hot for Timmy, so didn't offer him.
When he saw the food is about to finish, he asked me:
"Mom, do I get to eat?" hehehehehehehe...
He got a piece of the beef and apparently he likes it!
Sunday morning, we had egg for breakfast and some cakes from Prima Rasa.
The siomai in front of Prima Rasa Kamuning taste good.
We bought 20 of them and yum!
With lots of people around, food seems to vanish quickly. hehehehehe..
Towards midday, we went to Jl. Setiabudi, I bought Bagelen in a supermarket
and bought some cute stationary.
Timmy requested for stamp chop and I bought a comb.
From there, we headed to "Clouds 9". Bought 2 large pizza there.
The pizza is good, we ordered the ones with 4 types of cheese toppings and ham.
Yum Yum! The moment we entered the car, Timmy smelled the good food.
He said "Mom, can I open and look?"
His grandma said: "Later at home." hehehehehehe...
Oh, before we went to Clouds 9, we visited "Rumah Sosis".
They sell lots of different types of sosis.
Benny's sister bought 1 sausage, and Timmy ate 3/4 of it.
Timmy was holding her hands closely, didn't let it go, until the sausage is finished. Ci Aunie said: "Anak eloe...busyet deh...rakusnya....tangan gua sampe dipegangin." hahahahahaha...
After the sausage is finished, I was looking at icecream.
They make home made icecream. I had chocolate cookies, Timmy had blueberry.
So that day, Timmy had 3/4 of sausage, 1 cup of icecream and 2 slices of pizza,
with egg and milk in the morning for breakfast. Wow!
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