Last night, Timmy was about to watch VCD about little chicken.
Then I thought of instead of watching VCD again, why not we do something else?
I started drawing hen & chick, then we draw the grass, soil & water to feed the chick.
Hey...the ducks need to swim, so we draw the river...
Timmy colored the river blue, and there were floods.
Ooh...we need to draw a boat to save them....
Then, we need to draw the seat, otherwise they'll fall down...
Bum...bum...bum...the chicken falls down the river... Oh no!
Then..they arrive at the hotel (Timmy imagine that the chicken live at hotel). hahaha.
It's a 3 level hotel. Ok..then we draw the lift.
Hey..they room need air-conditioning. I draw 4 dots and Timmy joined the dots to make the AC. We need to make the remote for the AC, the temperature 0, 22, 16 degree Celcius as per Timmy's request.
Ok, now they have the room, we need to draw the big bed for mother chicken, little chicken and the ducks. Timmy made the bed, I made the pillows...
I started to sing the sleeping song like what the teacher taught in class.
Timmy went downstairs to get his "radio" for his chickens & ducks.
Then Timmy lay them asleep and Timmy started reading stories for his chics & duck.
After the story, they need to drink milk, so I draw the milk bottle and Timmy feed the little chic. He said: "He wan ya..." "Ok, he wan le, fang cai tui the ti fang ya.".
Lights off... Then we draw the light together.
As he read the story, he said, the chicks wake up already.
They are going on the pick up truck with Chuck. hahahahaha...
Fun story making! :)
Here are the photos.