Now that Benny is here, I usually pack lunch boxes for father and son. Hehehehe...
Luckily they are not picky eaters.
So, whatever I cook, they eat. :)
Timmy said: "When Andrew is around, you will need to pack 6 lunch boxes, Mom." Hehehe..
Bekal hari ini:
Ayam goreng kuning,
Tumis selada air with garlic,
Pumpkin soup with carrot, beans & quail egg.
Snack for hubby: apple & mango.
Snack for Timmy: homemade pumpkin bread & milk.
Bekal hari ini:
Semur ayam,
Tumis sayur,
Cheesy Potato mash.
Snack: Papaya for B.
Snack: Homemade donut with chocolate milk for T.
Todays meals for my beloved "boys" in the house.
What's for school today...
-Mushroom soup, beef with carrot, green veggie, for lunch.
-Sausage bread with chocolate milk, for school break time.
Today's lunch box,
for father and son.
Bekal hari ini:
Ayam goreng kuning,
Tumis selada air with garlic,
Pumpkin soup with carrot, beans & quail egg.
Snack for hubby: apple & mango.
Snack for Timmy: homemade pumpkin bread & milk.