27 February 2013

Slow Down Mommy

Slow Down Mommy, by Rebekah Knight 

Slow down mummy, there is no need to rush,
slow down mummy, what is all the fuss?
slow down mummy, make yourself a cup of tea.
slow down mummy, come and spend some time with me.

Slow down mummy, let's put our boots on and go out for a walk,
let's kick piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk.
Slow down mummy, you look ever so tire,
come sit and snuggle under the duvet and rest with me a while.

Slow down mummy, those dirty dishes can wait,
slow down mummy, let's have some fun, let's bake a cake!
Slow down mummy, I know you work a lot,
but sometimes mummy, its nice when you just stop.

Sit with us a minute,
and listen to our day,
spend a cherished moment,
because our childhood is not here to stay!


I read the above poem and it really touched me right in my heart.
It is a gentle reminder to slow down and spend some time with Timmy everyday.

I flipped through our old photos together, and just realised how tiny and small he was.
It was just few years ago, and he has grown so much, in just few years time...
Oh... how time flies...

It reminded me again, to treasure these moments that I have with Timmy,
because childhood is not here to stay...

Look at how little and tiny he was in the photos below....

And this, he has outgrown his baby box. Hahahaha...

This is another growing up moments, captured.
I prayed and he prayed, looked at how he put his hands. :) 

When we had our pirate play 

And last, but not least, I really like this one.
Timmy is looking at Papa, and imitating him. Hehehehe... *Smile*

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