21 February 2023

Pirate Dress Up Day.

Ahoy Me Hearties! 
Arrr! 🦜

What do pirate really say?
Ahoy = Hello. 
Arrr= Agreed. 

Pirate Dressing Up Day at school.
Monday, 20 Feb 2023 

Behind the photo is Andrew's class. 
Year 1, Kingfisher class. 


12 February 2023

Feb 2023.

 We started the day by going to the library. 

Papa went out to help Suksuk to lift the statue. Patung Budha. 
Koko Tim went on his first mountaineering at Scotland with Scout.  So it's just the two of us. 

Andrew met his best friend Edi and Ada at the library. They played chase with the feather, tickling each other. Ada fell down and I gave her the M&M chocolate and read her stories. 

Then they went to Wonderberry, we went to the playground. I called Papi when we were there. 

And then we went to Cherrywood Kitchen for lunch. Just the 2 of us. Andrew had 2 sausages and egg. I had sausage, egg and hash brown. 

Then we went back home. 

A Saturday well spent. 

11 Feb 2033. 
Andrew is 6 years old. 

11 February 2023

Mother and Sons

This photo was taken on Chinese New Year 2023. 

We were getting ready to have lunch at Ferry's house.  Makan sate di rumah Suk suk. :) 
29 Jan 2023.  Papa was getting ready upstairs, and it was an impromptu, just taking a photos of mother and sons.