25 January 2023

Tim and Andrew, Jan 2023

With my first born and second born sons. 

Timmy had pelonidal cysts and we were at Blackthorn Health center. 
Mama walked to Netley pharmacy and the medicine wasn't there. 
We drove to Blackthorn pharmacy and the medicine wasn't there. 
So, we were told to go to the doctor and asked for prescription. 
In this photo, we were waiting for the doctor's prescription. 

It was very cold and I left my gloves at home. I had Andrew's gloves in my pocket and I started wearing them. 

Tim was confused, "how can it fit you Mom?" We started comparing the size of our 3 palms, as we waited. Hahahaha..

We had to go back and forth to the pharmacy. 

Motherhood days. 

Luckily I have had my driving licence.  And while I was in the driver's seat with 2 sons at the back,
In the car, I told the boys, "I feel like a Mom."
 Andrew replied "You are!" 😁😁

You know like Mama bear with the bear cubs. Hahahaha... 

08 January 2023

Andrew's 6th Birthday

Today is Andrew's 6th birthday. 

We had lunch at home. 
Mama cooked the Polish Potato Pork Dumpling. 

Then about 2.30 pm we went to Waitrose at Locks Heath to buy cakes. Then went to a small cafe. Andrew had cake. Koko ordered a Mocca and Soup of the day. We shared. 

At Waitrose, Andrew chose chocolate cake, Papa and Koko chose Coffee and Walnut cake. 
Then we bought eggs, milk, haribo, some bread. Mom added raisin bread, chocolate muffin. 

Then we went to Hedge End to buy fish and chip. Suksuk offered to eat at their place. So we had dinner there instead. 

It was a fun family gathering. 😀😁👍

05 January 2023

Snowball Drawing.

We were reading books about snowball, and Mama invited Andrew to draw it. 

He drew the snowball from small to big, and started drawing a scary one. 
And he out words on it. 

On the left hand corner, he draw the one with love. Which one do you like Mama?
Love or scary one?
Love one. 😘😍

Dec 2022. 

Hair cut for Papa