28 September 2022

Alpha Blocks

Play spelling using these Alpha blocks. 
We had fun to make words with these. 

Sept 2022. 

Year 1. Sept 2022. Writing practice.

Year 1, Kingfisher class. daily homework. 
Spelling test on Friday  Practice writing  

First Day of School. Year 1. Sept 2022

Andrew's first day as a Year 1 student. 

Another milestone. 

He has been telling me that he is worried, and I have been encouraging him. I found the scripture which I shared on the previous post, which come at the perfect time. I have been telling that to Andrew, giving him pocketfull of kisses...


Andrew creating using Junior Engineer

Andrew created all these armour. 
He said it's Superhero armour. 

He created the shoulder blade, shield, head spike,  etc. 

Then he made the siren which can spin, when there is danger approaching. Please swipe for the video. 

Next, he created the dumbell for exercise. He said hero needs to be strong. So need to exercise to create the muscle. 💪💪 Hahahaha.. 

Ini abis nonton Gladiator ya? Hm.... 😄🤔


Beberes Rumah.

Learning never ends...

I have been wanting to fix this gate. 
Have been procrastinating, 
but couldn't stand the sight of it. 

Udah pengen benerin pagar ini sudah lama. Setiap cuci piring kelihatan, karena sebenarnya juga sudah tidak berfungsi juga. 

Sempat terpikir untuk aku kikis saja ya, gergaji.  Tapi entar lagi, entar lagi. 

I have even asked a proper handyman to do it for me. But he got Covid. So it got postponed again. 

Finally yesterday, I had the will to do it. 
Mumpung cuaca  menghangat lagi. 

Ngeri ngeri juga, because I have never done it in my life. 

Ini kemarin jadi pakai gergaji listrik dan gergaji manual. Sebelum mulai, aku doa dulu dalam hati...

Aku potong jadi 3 bagian, pertama bagian tengah, lalu bagian kiri. Baru bagian kanan. 


Sekarang cuci piring jadi mendingan pemandangan nya. 

Sempet ngeri ngeri juga tadi. Pertama kali mengerjakan. 

Potong bagian tengah dulu, lalu lapar. Makan dulu. 😁

Potong bagian kiri, nyangkut di bagian samping, keluarin gergaji manual, tarik tarik, copot. 

Potong bagian kanan, sempat ngeri juga, mikir "ini nanti kalo jatuh, nimpa gua ngga ya?" 😂

Potong kirinya dikit, potong yg kanan, yang bagian paling kanannya, deket sama  pipa talang air. Mesti hati-hati. Jadi aku gergaji ke arah yg menjauh dari talang, tarik tarik ke kiri dikit. Berhasil. 😁

Seneng rasanya. 😁

Aku bersyukur banget yang bagian kanan yg gede itu, pas kepotong semua, ngga jatuh ke arah aku, tapi dia jatuh mbleb ke bawah, dan ketahan sama sisa pagar dibawahnya. 🙏 Thank God.