Making Croccodile 🐊
Using toilet paper roll.
We wanted to learn the nursery rhyme Row row row your Boat. ⛵
Mama was inspired to make the crocodile using toilet paper roll.
So what we did was:
1. Paint the toilet paper roll green.
(We went to Poundland and I found blue and green water paint and some goggly eyes. ) Yay!
Thank you Kuku Aunie @tink0710 for the paint brush. 😘💕
2. Mama drew some shapes for the body, tail and mouth.
3. Andrew painted it green.
4. We decorated it with some marker. (I found some permanent color marker at Poundland).
5. We cut it
6. Stick the goggly eyes.
7. Stick the body parts to the painted toilet paper.
8. Tadaaaa! We have a crocodile.
Wanna make yours?