10 April 2017

Andrew 1st month

1 day old.
When he just came back from the hospital. 
I only stayed 1 night at the hospital.
Benny went home to sleep, He can sleep better at home, on the bed, rather than on the hospital floor.
Luckily I had neighbour. She gave birth 1 day before me.

This bundle of joy 


I made some homemade martabak, while I was pregnant.

Home-made Martabak Manis. 
Hujan-hujan, pengen martabak manis. Tapi males keluar rumah. 
Kebetulan lihat resep martabak manis, jadi pengen coba bikin. Hehehe...

I was inspired to try making this Martabak Manis last night. 
But didn't have the yeast.
Went to the market today.
Came back and gave it a try.

Perfect for the rainy weather.
It has been pouring rain for 6 hours non stop.

Warm Home-made Martabak Manis is available for grab. ðŸ˜„

Timmy turns 11

He received a birthday card from ie Jossie, sent all the way from Holland.

We celebrated Timmy's 11th birthday with lunch at Tesate Plaza Senayan.
Benny, Tim and I. Andrew was still in the tummy at that time.

Giving Birth to Andrew

It was 6th of January 2017.
In the morning, I had blood fleck coming out.
We went to the doctor, and were told to go to the hospital to check.

At the hospital, the nurse did the CTG and the contraction level was still low.
It was opening 1, I felt no pain yet.

The week before that, I had diare, because the night before, I ate watermelon that has been sitting in the fridge for a few days. Benny ate it too but he was fine.   The next day, I had contraction, threw up until nothing could came out.   We went to the Doctor that morning, and went to the hospital after that for CTG.   There were serious contraction, it was level 70, 80. While the normal level would be 20.
The doctor told me to eat lunch first, and then to be checked again after lunch.
Luckily it was OK after lunch.
Doctor jaga at the hospital told me to be put on an IV.
Luckily it was not necessary.

In the afternoon we went for a walk.
Ci Aunie predicted that the baby will be born tomorrow.
And once again her prediction was right. Hahaha

At 10 pm at night, I started to have contraction.
Took deep breath in and out.
At 12 pm, still chatted with Lina, (mama Jonat).
Timmy accompanied me through contraction until 1 am.
Thank you boy.

At around 3.30, we went to the hospital.
The time interval between contraction was 3 minutes apart.

Checked in to the room, had 2 neighbours who have delivered their babies.
At around 5 am, the nurse told us to go to the delivery room.
In case the birth is fast, because this is the 2nd baby.

We brought the birthing ball, music, play mat.

The contraction come and go.
But at around opening 5, the contraction kept going, but the opening didn't advance.
Everytime I went to the toilet to pee, the contraction would come after that.

The nurse came to check and see, and it still didn't advance. Still opening 5.
I cried, because the contraction is longer and stronger, but the opening was still 5.

Finally the doctor came and we decided for induction.
Whoa! After the induction the contraction came non stop.
It was like a wave of contraction, one after another.

The peak was I felt like I had the need to push,
but the doctor was not there yet.

Benny helped me, soothing and massaging my back, contraction after contraction.
Thank you Darling.
The nurse Fitri was there too to help.
She assisted to block my vagina I think.
When I felt the need to push, if it wasn't for her, maybe the baby would have come out without the doctor. The poop came out instead. Ah.

The doctor finally came, and I flipped over to my back.
I could push, and finally Andrew came out.
He peed and pooped straight away, right after he came out.
I had episiotomi, the doctor cut the perineum area between vagina and anus.
So, the doctor stiched it, while I hugged and nursed Andrew.

So, finally Andrew was born on 7 January 2017, at 15.35 pm.
Normal delivery, without any pain killer.
Birth weight: 3.19 kg
Height: 48 cm
Head circumference: 35 cm.