30 June 2011

What Things Absorb Water?

We experimented on what things absorb water?

I laid out several type of materials on the table for Timmy to explore.
Newspaper, tissue paper, kitchen towel, plastic, sticker paper, magazine, carton, and milk carton.

Then we added drops of water onto the material, and saw which ones absorbed water.

We found out that newspaper, tissue, carton, kitchen towel absorbed water.
Milk carton, magazine, plastic, sticker paper didn't.

Why milk carton, which was made of carton did not absorbed water?
While carton did?
Because there was the plastic lining.

Then Timmy filled the milk carton with water and he water the plant. Hehehe...

Afterwards, we left the wet newspaper under the sun to let it dry.
Where did all the water go?

Then we talked about the water cycle, where water comes from the mountain, down the river, into house piping, into the drain, back to the river, to the sea and water evaporates, becomes cloud, then comes down as rain. And the cycle begins again...

29 June 2011

Things Father and Son Do Together

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, is the game that Timmy likes to play these days.
Both father and son could sit in front of the computer and play together.

I don't understand a single thing about what they talk about. :)
"Put-put, Spike, Jammer, EMP."
Well, I guess it's the boy thing. Hahahaha....

When Benny plays, Timmy becomes the co-driver.
I like to see their happy, smiley faces.

Apparently, the game really inspires Timmy.
This is what he drew lately.
The cars are on the spikes! Which supposed to make the tyre flat.

Therefore, when I asked Timmy to play "When I have a circle...." Timmy changed it into "When I have a triangle, I can draw spikes!" Hehehehe...

Here's another father and son bonding time, when Timmy helped Papa to fix the laptop.

Dear Papa,

Thank you for taking time to play with Timmy.
Timmy has such a special bond with you.

We love our time with you,
especially when it involves so many giggles, tickles, games and fun!

You are a great Dad!

Thank you for always encouraging us to keep on
believing, improving ourselves.

Thank you for helping us to believe in ourselves and our dreams.

Most importantly, thank you for loving us Daddy.

We love you Papa!

28 June 2011

Toilet Roll Car Race

Who's the winner when there is a race between toilet roll with toy cars?

Timmy experimented and found out.

Ha! This toilet roll is actually quite good for a race! :)

Timmy later found out that toilet roll was good for a race as long as it had the cylinder shape. When he accidently pressed on it as he crawled, the shape of the toilet roll was no longer cylinder....it was not good for a race anymore.

24 June 2011

Time to Kick the Ball

The photo turned out unexpectedly, where I captured Timmy's hand and leg movement. :)

And his happy expression afterwards.

When I have a Circle

We played: "When I have a circle..."

I started by drawing a circle on the whiteboard.
Timmy continued by drawing something out of the circle I drew.

What he came out with amazed me, because it was out of my prediction.
I thought that he would draw cars, or clock from the circle.
But no...
Instead he turned it into radio, train, aeroplanes jet.

After he drew the trains, he started singing:
Naik kereta api, tut-tut-tut....
siapa hendak turut...
ke Bandung...
bolehlah naik dengan percuma...
Ayo kawan, lekas naik...
Keretaku tak berhenti lama...

The photo below was taken when he was singing.

22 June 2011

R is for Rainbow

Being inspired by other Mommy blogs, I made the activities with the Rainbow theme.

I drew lots of rainbows with differing size, from big to small, on a piece of paper.
Timmy cut it with a happy face.

And so seriously...

Then he sorted the rainbows from big to small and vice versa.

I made another activity to sharpen his logical thinking,
by creating patterns, leaving blank spots for him to fill-in.
Rainbow, Rainbow, Cloud, .... what comes next? Then he had to draw it in.
Cloud, Rainbow, ...., Rainbow, Cloud, ..... He had to fill in the blank.

With the letter R, Timmy poked it along the lines with the toothpick.

We had fun filled activities with the Rainbows!


We read the book about Butterfly...
Timmy learned the life cycles of the butterfly.
How it transformed from an egg into caterpillar, then chrysalis and voila: Butterfly!

We took a piece of paper and started drawing the process of metamorphosis as we read.
I started by drawing a leaf with tiny butterfly eggs on it.
Timmy drew another leaf with lots of butterfly eggs on it. Hehehehe...
Then he drew the caterpillar...
And finally butterfly!

We used our toilet roll, to make this crafty butterfly! Yay!

How to Calm Down When Upset or Angry

How to Calm Down When Upset or Angry
By BrittJohnson,

Learn How to Calm Your Anger
When you are angry or upset you need to apply one fundamental rule to calm yourself: do the opposite of what your instincts are telling you. Your entire body may be sending impulses that urge you to kick, scream and punch walls; but this will get you nowhere. When you are upset, releasing anger in a negative way will only result in more pain. The key is learning how to calm down and find peace.

Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need
A positive attitude
An open mind
Possibly a computer
Possibly a Journal or paper and pen

1. First and foremost, BREATHE! You cannot begin to calm down until you take a few deep breaths. While upset, you may begin to hyperventilate. If this happens, grab a paper bag, hold it over your mouth and breathe into it around 4 to 5 slow, deep breaths. Concentrate on your breathing. This technique will help you to find a center and help you to release some of that tension (the feeling that you are going to explode).

2. If a certain person is the cause of your anger, get away from them as soon as possible. You will not be able to remain calm if the person who angered you is breathing down your neck. You don't necessarily need to leave the building, another room will suffice.

3. Find a project to work on that has nothing to do with your current situation. What I mean by this is, if your angry because you have found out your spouse is cheating, don't consider snooping through his/her emails to be an adequate project. Focusing on negative will not help you to calm down but will make the situation worse (whether or not you feel it at the moment). Try working on school work or reading a book. If you have a career which send work home with you, work on that. If you have no projects to work on around the house, look on the internet. Try learning how to fold origami for instance. It doesn't really matter what the project is, just as long as it gets your mind completely off the situation that is making you upset.

4. If all else fails, write your thoughts on paper. Write out your words as if you are confronting the situation in person. This usually helps to release the feelings you have built up. This may also help you to decide if your anger is really founded. You may find that you cannot really see why you were so angry in the first place once you have thought it through. If there is a true cause, writing your feelings down will help a lot with later confrontation of the situation at hand.

5. If this situation is a constant and frequent upset for you, try learning some yoga and meditation techniques. You can find these in a fitness class or on the internet. When you find yourself upset, apply what you have learned. And don't forget to BREATHE!

21 June 2011


We did this "Ice Lifting" experiment with Papa. It was fun.
The aim of this is to lift the ice with a string.

And Timmy's cars joined the experiment too.

Voila! The ice is up! Yay!

19 June 2011

17 June 2011

Recycling Carton into Home Made Fun.

With the current theme of "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle", we thought of doing something fun with our big carton box at home.

First, Timmy helped me to cut the big box open.
Then he drew the door.
With the little flap right above it, he pretended that it's the door bell. :)
We then added the bits and pieces together...

I cut 2 small holes to fit the following:
- 1 McDonalds paper cup to act as the "Loudspeaker".
- the long tissue core, as the "Telescope".

Timmy then added the details of the floor level, UG, G, 1st floor and 2nd floor.
I drew the lift.

Timmy said that the Under Ground level is the Parking space with 171,205 parking space available. Additionally he drew a limousine, which was parking there.

Ground level: Bengkel. Car Workshop.
1st floor: Toko Mobil. Car shop.
Top level: Swimming pool.

After we have decorated it, he put all his cars inside and went in.
He started calling out through the loudspeaker, and peeped out of the telescope.
We had fun that day!

Few days later, the very same carton box transformed into McDonalds.
With Timmy inside pretended to be the McDonald's waiter, cook and cashier. hehehe...
When the food was ready, he called out through the "loudspeaker".
It was fun. :)

Blow Paint

15 June 2011

Siloso Beach, Singapore

Visiting the beach, with its open air and space, is always exciting.
We had fun at Siloso Beach, Sentosa Island.

Benny wrote this on the sand. :)

I like Timmy's expression in this photo. Paying attention on what's written on the sand, while holding the stick, just like Papa. hehehehe...

And their big smiles...

Captured so many photos of Timmy's happy expression.

Making what Timmy called: "Kubung Air."
Don't know what that means. He created that word himself. hahaha...