Yesterday, after dropping Timmy off to school, I went for a swim!
It was really fun, refreshing, relaxing, having a pool all by myself.
A time for myself, enjoying and giving thanks to God for the opportunity that I have.
I have just read an article by Amy Tiemann.
She was a Stanford graduate of NeuroScience and made a major decision to becoming a full time mom.
At the beginning of the motherhood, she began to wonder, " Who am I, now that I am a mother?" she realized that she had come a long way on a challenging journey from the concept of her old self, to a blank state wiped clean by motherhood, to a life that has been rebuilt to include time and space for both my family and myself as an individual. It has been an amazing process, with challenges and opportunities that take many women by surprise.
Apparently, the same thing happen to me and in fact it has been the discussion of mothers all around the world. Whether you are a working mom, or a stay at home mom.
Maybe you feel guilty because you work and don't think you spend enough time with your child. On the other hand, perhaps you're bothered because as a "full-time mom" you aren't making any money.
Let's get rid of the worry, guilt and anxiety.
Here Tiemann also offers four tools that will help you eradicate anxiety and guilt and embrace more joy and happiness:
1. Gratitude. Don't miss the blessings unfolding right before your eyes! Take time to count your blessings and focus on the incredible value in your life.
2. Confidence. Take heart there is no such thing as a perfect mother! Celebrate the fact that you are doing a great job.
3. Compassion. Give yourself, and those around you, a little slack. Throw out the comparison charts and appreciate the gifts you've been given.
4. Acceptance. Instead of struggling against life, accept your current reality as a starting point, and move forward from there. Accept your situation, yourself and others, including your partner and children.
"It's okay to ditch the guilt and accept yourself. Okay to make your needs a priority," says Tiemann. "That's not being self-centered. It's having a centered self!"
What a great gift for moms everywhere!